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mooge ok

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Everything posted by mooge ok

  1. hi lads wear can i get a good fox caller from thanks everyone for youre help
  2. hi lads can you tell me what the best way of calling foxs in . all the best mooge
  3. wear can i get australian ,from ive herd its good food all the best mooge
  4. hi d platt got some deerhound x comeing soon he allways in the eathdog running dog
  5. well done nobby & Fieldmarshalls nice to see a fettle x smokey cross doing a bit of lamping goy one myself she comeing on well on the lamp . all the best mooge
  6. the pups are 1 day dam fast coursing bitch old bloodlines going back to dels luke kill on small fields or large sire owt of nipper(foxys brother)xfull saluki can be seen on fen fever 3 and litter mates £150 deposit secures please pm im slippy for moore info
  7. thank lad got the pup bring back to hand and jumping 2 foot fence. buck22 ive been told shes a saluki x grey back to a saluki x grey all the best mooge
  8. few pic of my pup 15 week old she a saulki x
  9. they are f-cking scum i hope you get youre mates dog back .and if that was me and i wound i put ther pic on evrey site nothing but scum all the best mooge
  10. ok mate cheers for that iam not to good on spelling mate. thank mooge
  11. iam not breding of my bitch now ive just got a saluki x grey pup in
  12. iam 41 had running dog for 23 years and my son been on this sit for his mate just come on here today to see if topchakers on and seen this post iam sorry if my son as been cheky on here he only 13 mooge ok
  13. mik ok you know what your talking abount iam not in to these bull x myself in to salukix and i only have a dog what prove it self ok like my bitch is out of fettle x smokey and my deerhound from d platt ive just had a saluki x grey and thats well bred the dogs ive got are fen dog and my deerhoung x grey is 4 years old sorry abount puting a 2 year old dog on for stud just doing my mate favorier. all the best dogman
  14. sorry abount that i meant it was working till it was 10 years old
  15. keep do them my mate had a lurcher it was 10years old she did the fox and bunnys till she was 10 so keep it going
  16. well i only put the dog at stud and u make a big thing abount it and you say the dogs shite have u seen the dog work and what dog do u have then going have a look at youre post see what u got
  17. get them of french for £12 each if u want his number p,m me
  18. the lad what put this dog for stud is not chargen a lot of money for stud fee £60 wats that for a dog to be lined to a bitch
  19. i live stoke on trent staffordshire this dog is my mates
  20. hes a whippet bull gryhound he had fox and bunnys and hes 2 i think
  21. this is my mate dog at stud contact basil on 07738372640 thanks
  22. the last bitch is like my mates he got his from the waterloo cup of travller he was doing very well but he broke his leg i will get pic of his dog and put it on later . all the best mooge
  23. i have 1 deerhound xgreyhound &saluki lurcher out of fettle smoke 1ferret jill
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