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Everything posted by ben1191

  1. My old nuttall patt,died aged 14 whilst i was on holiday,one of the last photos i had of him,all podgy and old got a new pup,coming along good.
  2. Pats starting to get arthritis,already giving him some supplements,has a good bed and gets short walks. Anyone know what pills if any that you can get without paying extortianate vet prices and that actually work?
  3. He doesn't anyway,he's good in that sense and will only eat or drink what i personally give him.
  4. That's what I thought,where I walk him is woodland and its pretty quiet and I rarely ever come across another dog/person anyway. Cheers
  5. he had his yearly injections up to the age of 3 or so,not had any since,but hes never been sick in his life. Would it still be ok ?
  6. got an 8 week old pup,due her first injection monday coming,i have a 14 year old pat,is it ok to walk the old dog and bring him back in,worried it could pass on something but im guessing it could be the same with him just going in the garden?
  7. Because when we got him as a pup mate I was 7 years old,that answer you're question prick?i want to take responsibility of him and stop letting my parents feed him too much shit.when you're getting up at 4:30 in the morning and coming home at 8-9pm to repeat the next day,I don't always have time to walk him. My parents are lazy c**ts and don't excercise him,that isn't my fault.
  8. (12 year old Patterdale,on the large side rather than small)Dogs been fed on the usual supermarket crap most of it's life,he eats rabbit and pidgeons now an then but not often. Starting to get overweight,hasn't been worked for a while due to job.hes been fed by my mum who's also not excercised him enough. How much would you say to feed him to bring his weight down?stick to the lidls dog biscuits and tinned meat or turn to the raw meat?im always hearing it's cheaper on raw anyway so if someone can direct me to a good place to buy I'd appreciate it.cheers What's their ideal weight at
  9. Let me know the next time you plan on going arse over tit across the handlebars,I'll come over with the camera,just the kind of pictures we need on here in the silly season Hasnt happened yet :)Hes better on the lead when i go on the bike than when im bloody walking lol
  10. http://postimg.org/image/gvc26hhir/ had to upload to a img sharing site,forum mods wont even allow you to use the anymore -.-
  11. To be honest i dont really want to go too fast incase he does decide he wants to run through a bush,as i have him on a lead he just runs along side me,ill build him up steadily anyway,do a 4m run tomorrow then maybe a 2nd one later in the day,see how he is.to be honest i wouldnt be suprised to see him run over 10miles but his so headstrong he would run himself till his legs fell off.
  12. Ive started running my patterdale alongside my bike,not in any main roads or stuff like that so its all safe etc.What i wanted to know is what would you suggest a safe distance to run him,hes handled 3 miles at a trot with ease,but dont want to push him too far that it will physicly be bad for him.I'm aware that he needs to steadily be introduced to it and not just smack him out there on a 10 miler,but at what distance would it become dangerous? Checked his pads after the run and theyre fine,when i got back to take the other dog out he still wanted to go back with me
  13. Had 2 dogs with this problem,one scratched like f**k,the other just had missing fur on its back and tail,put some advocate on it and it hasnt come back since.i have a topic on it if you go on my name,only have pictures of the russell though not the dog with fur missing.
  14. Had something similar on both dogs,post some pics i might be able to help a little.
  15. Bought him 10 years ago,Nuttall lines,see both the parents and looked good. Wondered if anybody bought from around that area (was off a farm best i can remember) and how their dog got on?
  16. Are you speaking in Swahili?because personally i have no idea what you have just asked. "Hi all,just found out a pup i bred and gave to a friend has been sold,not a problem,just wondered where he was and how he was getting on,any pictures would be great.He was bought off quentin on here.Cheers" Hard? obviously is if you cant spell its not an english exam you knew what he meant I was replying to the 2nd person,i rewrote it so he could understand,proving it wasnt hard atall to figure out what he ment
  17. Are you speaking in Swahili?because personally i have no idea what you have just asked. "Hi all,just found out a pup i bred and gave to a friend has been sold,not a problem,just wondered where he was and how he was getting on,any pictures would be great.He was bought off quentin on here.Cheers" Hard?
  18. Run my patt and jrt on them,work better as a team as they tend to run the rabbits into eachother. have good recall though,dont want em running too far away
  19. he dont poach on his own land ,possibly thinking of buying a pcp,getting a bit tired of the recoil,loading and lack of a bipod as theres never anything around to rest it on
  20. HW77K with a 4-12x50 panorama ev IR.I had left the gun at my uncles,and it was working fine before i left it there,when i picked it up it shoots accurately to about 15-20 yards and then at 25 its just doing what it feels like,im using these pellets http://www.solware.co.uk/air-pistol-air-rifle/rws-superpoint-22.jpg ,but i tried some other pellets and they were doing the same thing
  21. The mounts seem to be the same size,i took the silencer off and its still doing it,how did you clean the barrel?
  22. Not sure,havnt changed the mounts around for a long time,ill double check though.
  23. Yeh but what im saying is,when i shoot at 25 yards theres no consistancy of the pellet,its not going in the same place,if i shoot 10 shots and make no adjustments to the turrets,it will be all over the target...
  24. Hi,ive got a new scope,trying to zero it in,it seems to hit the spot at 15 yards everytime,but when i shoot a target at 25 to try and zero it,its just inconsistantly hitting all different parts of the target,some will hit the floor infront of it,others will hit above where im aiming... Any suggestions?
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