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Everything posted by curlywat

  1. I got a little black dog and with him there is NO CHANCE AT ALL when I go to feed my bro. in laws ferrets he has to be kept away (behind patio doors).
  2. good, strong, healthy looking specimen too by the look of it. Trouble is there is just too much easy food for them theses days....saw one in early evening about 10 weeks ago bold as brass and very large/well fed...the fecker tried to go through a fence but wouldn't fit!!!!
  3. who did you play for mate ive played there aswell,went to red lion pub after Hi Mate - played for Cathays rfc - a Cardiff side.
  5. Hi Are these phots also on a well known social networking sute? If not then you have got a double - or unfortunately someone else is using them as their own. They are however great pics.
  6. dai - do you fancy a game to help me out on Saturday up in hollybush??

  7. wicked reply's lads - cheers...it is right what they sau about this game. You realy do learn something every day.
  8. Hi ALL, Might be gettting a first dig 4 me and the dog soon (as soon as we can get about in this snow) and I want to know if you lads who dig would rcommend doing some practice digging as I have never done much spade work before and I don't want to handicap the dog or look like a fanny. I have seen boys diggging at fairs etc abnd it looks tough - I am generally fit but like most things digging seem quite specific in terms of it's own fitness requirements. As always no piss takers, sesibl replies only please.
  9. will keep an eye/ear oyt bud. I am from New Tredegar so if I hear anything I will pm you. Best of luck.
  10. Co-chise was asking about a lost terrier at the end of November in the holton moor / swillington / rothwell area. Don't know how far away you are from him but it could just be that chance in a million that's worth asking about.
  11. Thanks for the advice lads - some good posts/advice there. I will take it on board and try him with a bit of luck, To Oggy - I live in New Tredegar, South east Wales.
  12. Hi All, Can you experienced lads help me with a question? I got a little black terrier just about this time last year who had done nothing - he was said to be 2 when I got him, making him 3 now. In the year I have owned him he has taken rats for me and done some bushing/marking too. Over christmas he will get a propper go ratting at some stables a family member owns - if he proves any good I would like to try him on a propper job and see if he will go to ground for us. Is it too late with him being 3? As he is a live in dog am I doing the right thing? (I know that propper terrier work
  13. HA HA fair play, some funny (and accurate statements). I was sat there watching the cack and thought much the same as everyone on here - they were a bunch of clueless "arf wits" who should never be allowed to keep these animals.
  14. Not sure who won what but Whiteys fawn dog was like a bullet in the race I did catch. What an athlete!!!
  15. Guys, Does anyone know what the addmission price is for this show please?
  16. Thanks for all the comments and support everyone, it means a lot to a newbie like me I can tell you. The dog is a patterdale terrier (smooth). I was told he is about 2 years but looks a lot younger, he has never been worked but I am out every day with him, going to game fairs this summer (he got a 2nd place in Monmouth 2 weeks ago) and asking all the time whenever I see people out with workers. Migh have some permission with my brother in law on a farm he will be shooting on so fingers crossed...it's a big learn for the both of us...but he was very up for it last night. yis, Curly. p.
  17. Hi All, I know this will sound crap to all you boys who have been hunting for ever but I have just had my first rat with my black terrier that I rescued back in August, been having trouble with them for a few weeks so set the traps and got 1 tonight. Was a bit dubious as to how the dog would be but needn't have worried - he is born to it I think!! Hopefully will have many more to follow.
  18. Hi All, I know this will sound crap to all you boys who have been hunting for ever but I have just had my first rat with my black terrier that I rescued back in August, been having trouble with them for a few weeks so set the traps and got 1 tonight. Was a bit dubious as to how the dog would be but needn't have worried - he is born to it I think!! Hopefully will have many more to follow.
  19. Don't know who won what as I could only make the Saturday - my sister took my 2 year old Patterdale dog and got a 2nd with him, was well pleased as this was his first show (have only been to 2 myself) and we rescued him last August. The dog game is all new to me but a good start - has anyone got any pics...would love to see them...will definately be going to the heart of Wales and the big one in LLandeilo.
  20. Any chance of adding another to the number if the chance comes up - I have a Patterdale and am totally new to this but eager to learn....wait for it - I live in New Tredegar - makes Pooler look like L.A.
  21. thanks for the welcomes everyone - need to go out with the little fella now and try our luck....could be the rhymney river tonight in the dark!!! see if I can get off work at a tidy time.
  22. Cheers mad al funnily enough the run used to start outside my front door in Greenfield st. New Tredegar and my mam and dad both ran it too. Are you local mate? Any advice for me tto get mr started?
  23. Hiya all, I have just aquired a 2 year old patterdale terrier which I am looking to take ratting/rabbiting...trouble is I am bloody clueless as all this is new to me. I have been reading up on the dog breed and all aspects of hunting but what I realy need is someone who has experience and can show me the ropes. I live in South Wales in the the rhymney valley if anyone can let me tag along the that would be cracking. Curly.
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