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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. also can you get a left hand bolt??? looking on behalf of a mate
  2. over cherged it and bust the o ring.....
  3. its gona be hard to change to a break barrel from a pcp... anyone know what kind of other pcp i could swap it for?? one that wont leak? lol s410?? or would it be worth fixing my own o ring and maybe geting a fenman too ..... not too keen on the slr as dont rele like underleavers but chhers shaun
  4. going to look at a fanman so al have a few shots and see how it goes.. cheers all ..
  5. av been put off my logun as i need a new o ring ( maybe just needs cleand and greased ) but ive been looking at theobens gas ram rifles evo/fenman/sirroco lookin to trade mine for one anyone have any good and bad points on these guns and how much recoil do they give compared to a springer? thanks..
  6. thanks [bANNED TEXT], that HW95 is a really nice gun like, im still wondering about the maxima though . is it really that bad? p.s my price range is around 250 cheerss mate go for a HW you carnt go wrong they are alot better than a gamo thanks mate , which would you recommend for a price range of 250 and im canny skinny so would need to be light i like the look of the HW95K but its abit expensive cheers keep your eye out for 1 secondhand 1 mate go on www.guntrader.co.uk there is a few on there there was 1 for £245 last time i looked nice one mate thanks hw 99s
  7. sorry to hear of your loss i had a beddi whipet that hit a concreate post at full sprint and same hapend to her .. what breeds the other lurcher in the pic with clear eyes looks propa stunnen..
  8. i have a 3/4 gray 1/4 bull bitch and is a little on the slim side an i would like to put a little weight on her back end as she is quite boney i feed her dry mix dr johns and is wormed regularly.. any ideas what i can feed her .... or is this normal for a pup at this age?? cheers brindle one
  9. have ya any pics of her around 4 month? an what size at 4 month and what is she now? ive got a 3/4 gray 1/4 bull wid a bit of collie at 4 month jus wondering how she mite turn out ... cheers
  10. cheers thats just what i needed pal. will have a go then get back to you all the best
  11. sure do pal ..get a sling if ya treken round after bunnies bit ov weight not that heavy tho....
  12. av heard if ya put a 177 ram in a 22 it powers over the legal limit or a 22 in a 177 carnt remember...
  13. had one..was accurate bit heavy but aya get used to it mainly used it for craken pigions round the farm...wish a kept it...
  14. axor is leaking air from the chargein hole can hear a hiss from inside it anyone no [bANNED TEXT] i can do? and how much this mite cost? got the gun second hand and need it sorted asap....thanks
  15. cheeers for all the good and bad point of these rifles looked at a daystate huntsman classic and a new s510 both lookin good ...with a price tag :crazy: can't make ma mind up :wacko: was at gun club with logun axor tempted 2 keep lol accurate as and neva had a problem with it.....
  16. how many shots out of a hw100 standard not k ??
  17. Nope, because they don't, well not in my experience anyway. They are a fantastic gun, some people say they are a bit heavy, but i don't find that at all, I have the thumbhole carbine version, the loading is super smooth, great adjustable trigger, and as accurate as the person holding it. Can't find ANY faults with mine. I love it!! do you know how many shots you get out of the carbine and the standard ?? looked at them both in gun shop today and there lighter than i expected!!
  18. Nice hw 98 matey One of the best springers i have ever owned, Gutted i sold it Nice shooting quite accurate for a springer.. wish i kept mine to lol... a miss it haha
  19. cheeeeeeers... the hw 100 sounds the bizz ... anyone heard of them jaming ?????
  20. Any pics ?? made it about 2 year ago. havent a clue what hapend to it.. no pics soz
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