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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. i have another ruff coated dog but dont no how 2 resize the pic
  2. haha avent i seen that dog before..............
  3. the blue n white,s looks a nice dog.. gona invest in a whippet... dances is [bANNED TEXT] get it sent in..
  4. shame some people carnt look after f#ck allll... top folk for tekin it in
  5. some good photos there mate .. was watching stoats killing rabbit on youtube jus before
  6. a whip of the lead can cause them not to come near the lead when your wantin it on the lead
  7. nice pup .. gona invest in a merle pup one day
  8. hope you get some good reply's mate as im in the same boat .. drives you mad myn retrives any thing you throw apart from a dead bunny...
  9. ad cum if ma cars sorted by weneva u do it .. mite need a place to stay tho .. will be in no fit state to drive home....the mooch afterwards sounds good have you any permission??? chrissi x
  10. we were out last weekend near maryport and theres not a rabbit in sight out there there was a fox witch just disapeared and a badger (dead when we found it) but there seems to be a cuple ov bunnies in places like school fields or little patches of grass by the road ..... we went out in workington last night seen a cuple but all close to the dyke but walking home we cut thru a old park and there must of been around 30 rabbits there the groun was only about 150 yards square and very boggy tooo
  11. this is tara 5 mnth 1/4 bull 3/4 gray ... just over 19"
  12. lookin for 400 or a swap for a theoben gas ram pm me if intrested .. cheeers
  13. maybe the dick wants to use your lamp ... ad ov hit im with it .. they took a gun off me and neva got it back till 4 month later they said they were having a clean out at the station an come across it ........ :realmad:
  14. would be good if there was a few birds up here that do a bit of hunting....

  15. is merl because of the white eye or the colour of the coat or breed??
  16. just got a 8 1/2 month jack and could do with a few points in the right direction wanting him for ratchen in bushes 4 the bunnies and to nok a cuple of rats off too... any help plz .. cheers
  17. my 4mnth lurcher caught a crow in the garden and a few days later there was a crow on the carpark with a crisp paket on its head so let dog on it lol she caried it home too. got a few funny looks off sum old folk :wacko:
  18. ive got 1 if ya decide get 1 £200 silencer scopes gunbag GOT 1 WHAT???
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