went out for a shine last night with rookiehuntertoddy off here turnd out to be a good night and a good bag of bunnies (31) realy pleased with the pup and the retreaving too
ther was 1 it was more of a family day thing but ther is a country fair on 29th 30th and 31st at carlisle. we got 2 next weekend toddy millom an carlisle.
fair enuf but theres too many rabbits for toby to handle alone lol. oj he will handle it. but watch him on them fings we seen on that mound of mud tho eh
will let you share my stricker is long as i can hunt your land lol.. ano some one with a clulite i will see if he still has it for you .. btw a got the car window sorted
ahh so u lookin for a lamp now. take it me an tara arnt good enuf for you and toby hahahaha how about a look up woodside after the show? al see if a can sort you a lamp out thats if your good