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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. some are just as good on the lamp as daytime... lets say i ran one last night for a good min or two and just as the dog turned it agen the hare jumped the dog and fence behind the dog too ive seen this kinda thing hapen twice now i dont mind them getting away when they put a good run up..as they will be there for another day
  2. no pics at moment i will try grt some this week . 10 week yesterday
  3. sire ... saluki collie deerhound dam... 3/4 coursing grayhound 1/4 saluki £100 dog £150 bitch 07825290751 advertising for a friend..
  4. got a few pics in a photo album though
  5. im a pure cumbrian dogger mate lol and i have a bit of permission at lamplugh need to get in touch with the farmers lad to see if its ok to go on this season ...
  6. get a pic of the new set up mate best of luck with it
  7. must be people talking shit to my head lol its just as bad wher iam
  8. me and my mate got nout only seen a few rabbits heard there is quite a few bunnies around barrow
  9. great stuff many things they could be used for atb with them
  10. anyone get anything last night then ? we got 4 long ears and 7 rabbits. wether was a bit crap but dogs ran well
  11. SPOT on mate its a very keen little dog youve got ther from what i know of ad say one of the best worked out of the litter atb
  12. im out too took a day off work tomorrow so better be a decent night
  13. ahh but what if the kids go up and take your camera ?? good pics though atb
  14. im not even comment about these muslim imigrants and all that because i will take it too far and end up getting deleted from the forum. its fair to say i dont like them
  15. Its not about the best dog its about the best dog on the night.....as for the one's who didn't enter it's up to them but it's easy to have a go when your not in it....Its a comp the best dog will be the one with the most bunnys at the end of the three hours....simples! hopefully i will be entering the next one,, and i know how the comp goes the winner being the winner and all that but it doesnt mean its the best dog on the site mate
  16. drive to the destination and then walk
  17. tell ya mate am sorry for knocken his sister then runnin away like a girl when i found out she was pregnant no hard feelings
  18. some one mentioned that the winner would be the best dog on here .... false... what about all the other folk that never enterd the comp? who is to say one of there dogs couldnt beat the winner of the comp?? ps who is who in the pic?? cheers
  19. my new pups in with my older dog but thats down to having no space.. if i had the room i would split them up.
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