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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. How do you know he it tell the truth then ? face it bud 40 out off 44 it a bit far fetch well said kaka hard to believe i never said i belived him, all im sayin whats the point in giving him a hard time, whos to say 40 out of 44 is far feched?
  2. got offerd a dog of the same cross off a mate, i turned it down wish i never as it made a exelent dog
  3. feed mine red mills and minced chicken look realy well on it. ran out of chickin 2 days ago and just used the compleate mixer and now the dogs look like rakes. have to travel 100 mile there and back to get the chicken i use so its a bit of a ball ache running out, hopefully will get some tomorrow
  4. ive had a gooden to mate... got kickd out xmas eve and she started caryin on new years eve
  5. nice one im having a look up on some ground of mine tomorrow to try the new gun out
  6. haha is that me told???? im ashamed to say it but its gota be said, your mam is sick of bathing you and told me she will not be wipeing your arse any more as your a grown man now and she has put a lock on all them porn sites to help you get a girlfriend. and as for that dvd of briceys yeh you no the one (hardcore farm animals 2) she found it stashd between the cheeks of your fat hairy arse when she was bathing you,you best had get them bed sores lookd at too,and how about get a dog you bean heed, and this time when you get hungry dont f****n eat the poor twat
  7. ginny spinner and i have a pic to prove it
  8. i think you read that post wrong mate this is you, i know you thing you are in shape but realy mate its time you took a look in that mirror and done somthing about it, avryones here to help your not on your own chubby.. i mean ginny
  9. What do you mean your becoming a armchair hunter, you always was one your a funny man you ginny boyo. you want to get out more mate you getting a little chubby just siting in watchn porn on that computer. your mam sent me this pic so i would try get you motivated, and maybe at a push, a real push i mean get you a girlfriend
  10. im peeeved [bANNED TEXT] off i carnt get out the grounds solid............ i havent been out for for a lamp for 3 week im devastated im becomeing a armchair hunter
  11. Nice dog mate how tall is it? Turkish cheers shes 25tts and around 54lbs
  12. that wheatan x is a belter mate credit to you.. hows it bred?
  13. how old would you class a adult dog i have a 16 mnth bitch with a little bit of flat foot its nothing bad just wouldnt mind tightening them up a little ps i dont do much road walking so if i start now will it help?
  14. see that first fence dons jumping .. my beddi whippet got riped wide open on it.. she tried jumping it from the other side of the track haha poor fuka
  15. looks ok to me, its a tasco so should be a good scope
  16. vairys mate some ask daft prices some dont, but you dont always get what you pay for as a pup for 300 could be no better than a 50 quid pup
  17. bricey wants you to bring him that hardcore animal farm dvd back, bet youve had it on that much the ends red as fook

  18. highlight of the calender

  19. better get working on my chat up lines theres some serius work to be done
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