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Everything posted by killa-combo

  2. nice looking dog, wouldnt mind that cross put to my bitch in a few year theres a nother lad on here with a bitch of the same cross thats ment to be a good dog from what ive heard
  3. because they have young and also a warm summers night isnt the best conditions to run the dog in, and the dogs do deserve a rest too... THIS WILL BRING OUT THE SUMMER BRIGADE BOYS ON HERE haha
  4. Well from what i can see is the bull x seems the most popular cross, no a few lads with saluki's they never use the word obedient!! having said that all lurchers do well with the right training. The bull x looks the part big strong, are they better at lamping than day work?? they maybe look the part but at the end of the day looks dont kill, ive a 1/4 bull with a little bit of collie and ive done day and night with her, but there not suited for daytime hare but are still capable of it,
  5. pray drive is second to none and most will run till they drop,if braught up the right way they will take all quarry and they can take a beating, and are obediant, but all depends on how much bull you go for realy, i would say 1/4 bull is enough for a allrounder depending wich way it throws either to the bull or the gray, but others will have diferent opinions.. like all other bull x topics ive no dout this turns into a argument as the saluki lads like to diss them
  6. why do folk twine about bull xs all the time if you like them get one if you dont, dont get one, its that simple.
  7. what about the dogs face, how would you go about that?
  8. the fawn dog is mine and he still isnt solid on his legs yet either, dont wory about it it will come too
  9. ive got a pup to bring on too mate but gona at least wait till the young are out n about as killing one young and killing one with young in is different and there isnt that many round my way
  10. nice dog i mite get one when i get kennal space good little ferreting dogs with big hearts, carnt go wrong
  11. good stuff.... now go pay her another visit for getting you kicked out
  12. yes crows mate seen it myself
  13. nice bag moore well done ohh aye she done well too nail the lot of them haha had a big walk today out cockermouth way done a good few mile and seen nothing but a few tell tale tracks
  14. ive called it a season now its had its ups and downs due to weather mainly but there was young in the last batch so thats it for me its the long wait till next season, i hope to doo alot more next season and get some big bags with this seasons pups, but its just a waiting game for the next 5 or 6 months
  15. your right dont be fooled by the lightning and by that big silencer as most folk are and they dont do much. you would be far better off with a hw 99s, had both a 99s and a lightning a few year back id choose the 99s any day
  16. nice dog mate. what size and cross is it?
  17. i would put a good half cross to the gray
  18. grayhound mega store.. i mite get some next season if the dogs are going to see a good nights work
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