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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. HOPE DOG RECOVERS 4 NEXT SEASON cheers mate, shell be right in a month or two nothing too serius, id done a fair share with her before the injury,
  2. started with the 1 and finished for the season last month with same one due to injury, ist a pure piss take but it happens and there is nothing you can do to stop it happening
  3. just around the farm buildings and trees,
  4. What ways that pup bred. Looks like a pup my mae bred. collie bull gray,
  5. get some vidios watched on youtube, you will learn bits and bobs off there too
  6. Not sure of the exact percentages but I know for sure he's got Grey, Saluki and Bedlington in him. He growls like a terrier! When he play fights he never give's up and he sounds very aggressive, but he's very placid with people. The Merle apparently is Bull, Grey, Saluki, Collie. I've found since I got the pup that the Merle has matured and is not as giddy as she used to be. She used to jump up at people when we had visitors, now she's just chilled and relaxed. Strange.... sounds along the lines of what i was looking for in a pup, good luck with it mate
  7. nice one .. what cross is the pup
  8. mates got s410 superlight personaly i think the s410 and s400 are light as a feather to start with, how much lighter is it than the original?
  9. tried a new farm with the airgun yesterday. we were only there a a hour or two and baged 20 pigeons and gained two more farms too shoot on one wich is crawlin with bunnys apparently,
  10. we bagged 52 i think, in some harsh rain right up on the tops, wouldnt of been any weter if id fell in a river
  11. had a look out with R DUCK and GINNY SPINNER the other week, took the new ferret (kate p) to see what she could do, tried 1 local set and baged two so diceded to call it at that and take her out at the weekend..so a early start and a long drive to some ground we have, we brought katie b incase katie p wasnt upto the job. tried a few sets with katie p and no joy so swaped the locator over and give katie b a go first few bunnys where in the bag within a short space of time so diceded to give B another go, dog marked nets on and ferret in, we could here B working the bunnys so after a good five m
  12. my new s410 walnut stock 3-9x50 ir hawke scope ... its a pleasure to work with
  13. its moist now, could i use savlon spray the iodine one or the cream??
  14. the dog had tore its skin on the underside of her leg 4 week ago now the tear was around 3-4 inch and a good 2 inch wide, so to big of a job for me so i took her to the vets within 15 mins of her doing it got it stitched and some antibiotics through her 3 days later her stitches tore out and nothing could be done as the edges of the wound had started to heal, so braught the dog in the house as it was to cold for the wound to heal and easyer for me to keep on top of keeping it clean, anyhow to cut a longstory short the wound is still about 2 inch and around 1 inch wide slowley healing, and now
  15. we take a mates minshaw x collie the dogs steady marks and retreaves the ones that slip the net,
  16. im known for snapping spades but havnt snapped the one using now its full metal shovel cut in to a bull nose , will try post a pic
  17. get it carnt go wrong mate, had 1 tuned when i was younger was quietest springer ive had
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