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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. I will pm u details and number later when im home, workington
  2. Ive 5 mink / rabbit cage traps £25 for the lot pick up only cumbria, pm for details
  3. marksman look on http://www.countrymanfairs.co.uk/ think it says something about gun dog retreiver winner takes a brand new mitsubishi moter, wouldnt mind taking that
  4. there was a lad that bred borders in workington but been told hes past away now think this could of been around a year ago he died
  5. hahahahaha clicked on a link after the vidio finshed it was a dalmation killing a cat while its owner runs after it shouting bubbles hahahaha
  6. he used to have a web site but hes old school and doesnt bother anymore..but i can get his number...i know him very well...hes done it for his living for over 40 years....i got one of the orignals in oil to one of the prints ..... what kind of price tag do they have on them? i was asking for a friend but now i could be intrested myself as they look as good as they get
  7. is there a site or anything he has to advertise his paintings?
  8. looking for this pic it was on here, found through google but cant seem to find it again does anyone know anthing about it or seen it anywhere?
  9. have you got a iphone because they fcuk with them
  10. why is it someone puts a thread on either twineing or baby arsing or complainin about something it gets a load of posts, where if someone puts a genuine decent hunting post up it get hardly any posts and if it ends up over a page long there is garenteed to be some daft know it all complainin about something crap, some need to do them selfs a favour and delete there account
  11. I ave to to disagree here hahaha!! that good you lied [bANNED TEXT] you said you got 28 bunnys with the dog on its own later too find out you ran two dogs that night taking half each booooooom
  12. summer air gunners who are scared of the cold or scared to get there gun dirty or wet throughout the winter wipe to many bunnys out around here and other places i travel too with the dogs, pisses me off but its there sport as much as mine with my dogs so cant realy complain as i tend to knock a few bunnys out with the gun on land i carnt run my dog on,
  13. for one man its between drop boxs ferrets a silenced gun or a good lurcher/lamp all depending on the ground imo
  14. have you been out latley have you been to a persian party

  15. have you been out latley have you been to a persian party

  16. nice pup mate. seen few full minshaws and minshaw crosses run, was going to get a pup from that liter myself, the lad that bred your pup do you know if he still has a big rough coated fawn dog?
  17. havent heard nothing about flimby show yet ill let you know when i find out Cheers mate
  18. Will be there. Is there a date for flimby yet?
  19. i need one of them milbro vintages
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