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Everything posted by killa-combo

  1. Plenty dissagreements / arguments over opinions here in last few pages, was it whin-ge that was sayin you need the grey for pace? I carnt quite remember as i just glance at the crap he writes, well my pup don-jess at 6 month can keep up with my older lurcher which is around half grey and is a fast bitch, so im quite sure this heavly collie blooded pup will have pace/speed/stamina not saying its going to be a world beater just making a point that grey isnt always needed to add pace/speed, also some one keeps pushing forward that the only lads biggin up the minshaws so to speak are the ones tha
  2. that eddie and maurice are two fine looking dogs, was it around 1/4 bull in them both or just maurice? I think you said 1/4 earlier in the thread i might be wrong, cheers maurice is ginnys brother so not a quater there. eddie is out of the half bull. was it 1/8th ? Ive got 1/4 from somewere lol
  3. that eddie and maurice are two fine looking dogs, was it around 1/4 bull in them both or just maurice? I think you said 1/4 earlier in the thread i might be wrong, cheers
  4. Yeh its ok now and shes just started jumping. It did knock it the other day, limped a few steps n took off again lol dont think she feels pain
  5. Thats a good pic of jess andy, jess > mine millets n johnnys pups Heres a few of that meg.....
  6. Back to the age of dinosaurs Lee ..back to the 60's anyways mate as that was when Rag Lad the Whippet was alive..here's Jess the little red bitch,she was litter sister to Rip so a daughter of Rag Lad,not sure on her dam,i have it all on another hard drive i took out of a pc so i will have to get it sorted ...not too unlike the Bulpa dog was she or even Reggie come to that?...old school ... i thaught it was around the 60s just memorys crap at times, nice one mate, proper old skool lol
  7. I know its been mentioned 100 x over but what dates do the minshaws go back too? I remember seing a pic of two dogs and two kids wer these around abouts the first that held the name?
  8. your right it will all unfold and come to her in time. Thats ginnys double in that jack- bull x litter of joes,
  9. fine animal cora, roughly what size she? I'd hazard a guess and say 24+ Lee?..now fire some pics up of thy pup not best of pics as ive had to tie her up to keep her still, she had another bunny yesterday put it out some nettles turned it a few times sticking to it like glue then nailed it then She let go and it made cover lol. I was quite pleased with her using her snout to find it,
  10. fine animal cora, roughly what size she?
  11. logans owner told me the same mate, any idea what the minshaws tht are in the blood wer bred out of? tig was bred out of a bitch called rose .ROSE was bred out of conan x t.watsons coursing bitch.Andy will no what how conan was bred pal.how olds your bitch .cause the dogs from summerset where different.some where double bred TIG.hope this makes sense pal Conan was out of Blue and i just forget the big lad who had it's dam she was a little white and blue brindle thing not alot different to that bitch i had called Jess, he lived in Greysouthen,a real nice lad but he's sadly dead now
  12. logans owner told me the same mate, any idea what the minshaws tht are in the blood wer bred out of?
  13. i have a bitch here wich is suposed to have the blood of tig and rose not sure how far back though who bred your dog mate .and i will tel you how far back tig n rose is in your bitch if i can Robert mcdowell bred her if im correct a dog from summerset was put to a red bitch of mcdowells
  14. i have a bitch here wich is suposed to have the blood of tig and rose not sure how far back though
  15. Ive a few good pics of ginny somwere al see if i can find them. Id say best all round bitch ive seen run was ginny, gs will tell you how often this bitch was ran as hes got dates i think, imense
  16. heres another pic of don ferreting not to clear as taken from a vidio
  17. Now im on the wagon as frankel says i will add few more photos of wat i have, Tara and reggie, reggies first night at the bunnies and suprised us all with his running style. And again sox first night, i might be wrong but this could of been the first time these two met a bunny? She put sum imense strikes in that night if i remember rightly, And another of tara and swift
  18. shame about the wind as i realy liked that dog,
  19. I've seen plenty of dogs jack Giro including Minshaws..i owned one called Red that Chris has..it had a mind of it's own lol but also lots of other types too even the sister to your own bitch was a total jacker that i tried to re-home after the lad who owned her died...it can and does happen in all types of lurchers..having raced greyhounds for many years too i've even seen and owned the odd one lol that refused to run so again a no good jacker...if a greyhound won't chase then believe you me there's every chance that now and again there will be a lurcher that will do the same no matter how it'
  20. cheers mate. I think i will weigh her later or tomorow see wat she is
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