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Everything posted by mustwork

  1. He is looking great Martin, good to see him on here, he should make you a good dog if he is anything like mum & dad! Lisa.
  2. Argyll ISO's are great, nice n warm! There about hundred quid tho'. We use LE CHAMEAU. The pair i have now have lasted three seasons and are still going good. They are about £120, but well worth it!
  3. My Husband is a keeper, what do you want to know?
  4. 220 i think [bANNED TEXT]! not 100% sure as the bag was only meant to be 180 but the guns decided on an extra drive! The pics came out really well Gary! The bag was 236. 161 shot on the last drive! Are you out tomorrow? Lisa
  5. Very nice and useful looking bitch Chris
  6. Great pics, you and Gwen should get together, she is always snapping away too!! You shooting on Mon? Lisa.
  7. Try Gunfield Vizslas, they live Nottinghamshire way, they may be able to help you! sound mate ill see if i can look them up on the old tinternet now You had any luck with finding some beating Kingfisher?
  8. Hi Kat, how you doing?

    You still got your wires?

  9. Not surprised her ears are in tatters, your viz hit the brash like tornadoes Gary!! Good job you can stop them when you need to
  10. I think Nic you were very unlucky with your Viz. As you say, not all Vizslas are like that. The lines that Gary has are very much working type and are a pleasure to watch working, if not sometimes a little worrying when we are getting close to the end of a drive. The power these Vizslas have is something to see!
  11. IMO I do think that any of the HPR (Hunt, Point, Retrieve) breeds are a little too involved for the first time or novice trainer. These breeds can be very head strong and stubborn. This combined with a strong hunting drive could be a recipe for disaster in novice hands. They also tend to be quite sensitive, and do not respond well to harsh handling! They will push even the more experienced handlers to their limit sometimes, and this can be disheartening. You are also limited to the number of trainers experienced with these breeds, should you need guidance at any point. Having said that, if you
  12. Hi Greg you can use wings from a shot pheasant secured with elastic bands, but we also cover these with an old stocking to stop the young dog being tempted to pluck them off. Rabbit skins are good too. I have never noticed them going smelly but if they do just change them for new ones!
  13. Try Gunfield Vizslas, they live Nottinghamshire way, they may be able to help you!
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