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About mustwork

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    Born Hunter
  • Birthday April 21

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  • Interests
    working GWPs, shooting, Game keeping.

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  1. One of the unsung freedoms that go with a free press is the freedom NOT to read it :0) Happy days!

  2. We have a vet who comes to our house to dock £10 a pup. He is very good and from the Shrewsbury area. He will travel but i don't know how far and you would need to pay his travelling costs! Have a look at this link Docking BASC We microchip at about 10-12 weeks of age any less is really too young as the chip can move! Your pups new owners can get them microchipped when they have their 12 week vet check. They do have to be microchipped by this date though! You need to show that the litter is from a working background and that the pups are intended to working. Please don't do it yourself or
  3. We feed Chudleys too, Good value for money! They do a range of foods for a dogs life stage My link We don't feed puppy food over 6 months! Hope this helps!
  4. Hi ye iv bein trying to do some home work on the breed, a member kiwi,put ur name forward any help from you would be appreciated. many thanks

  5. I agree Kiwi, this is something we are trying to educate hunters about over here. The GWPs/DD do have a reputation for being too out going for the type of hunting we have over here, but we use them on the shoot to do every thing from ranging out one or two fields when dogging in to hunting close in a pheasant drive on a shoot day, and also despatching foxes on vermin control! The thing to remember with a GWP/DD is they will do whatever you train them to do. If you let them just run wild they will!! Lisa
  6. We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far! Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good! Hope this helps Lisa. Lisa, have you been to Steve Kimberley? I was thinking of doing the same but have heard mixed reports, can you give me nay info please. I have been to one of his training days organised by BASC here in Wales. Yes i would recommend him!
  7. The only dogs we work on the shoot are HPRs (GWPs) A well bred/trained GWP (or Vizsla Garypco!) should know it's job, and only range if asked to. Word of warning, research the breeds before committing to buying one, Wirehaired Vizsla and The GWP are too quite different breeds! Lisa
  8. The Versatile Gundog by Guy Wallace, Training Pointing Dogs by Paul Long, Hunter Pointer Retriever The continental Gundog by a variety of authors. Lisa
  9. We would definitely agree butcherboy, best we have seen by far! Steve Kimberley also has training DVDs on his website. He has over 20 years experience training gundogs, the training programme covers spaniels, retrievers and HPRs. We haven't seen them, but if his training days are anything to go by they should be good! Hope this helps Lisa.
  10. We came first you can see the judging on the KC web site.
  11. i wouldnt use a pointer if your going to be in a beating line. they range too far, there bred for open grouse moors and best suited to walk and shoot/rough shooting. a spaniel is your best bet for what you want, can hunt, flush and retrieve, the best allrounder. a lab can work well in a beating line but their not as good as a spaniel in cover. if your mainly interested in picking up then get a Lab 'wrong mate... theres a big difference between a pointer/setter and a hpr the gwp's and vizslas are a more versatile breed theyre bred to range closer and work tighter they cover more groun
  12. Hi, Welcome to the fourm, not from Wrexham, but still in Wales!. There are some great guys on here who give sound advice and some interesting topics too! Lisa
  13. We use Chudleys puppy up to 12 weeks, then Chudleys junior until they are about six months old. From then on we feed Chudleys classic. We do also feed some Tripe and keepers mix. The Chudleys Puppy is 10kg for £12.99 and the Chudleys Junior is 15kg for £18.75.
  14. We had 50.2% this year, we are in mid Wales Lisa where abouts lisa??? We are on the Monachty Estate in Ceredigion. Where are you?
  15. We had 50.2% this year, we are in mid Wales Lisa
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