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Everything posted by Huffski

  1. Just tried again and the drop down menu has magically apeared don't know why it was missing. Cheers
  2. Currently posses shotguns and 22 rimfire. Used to be a keen shooter before I joined the army and would now like to get back into it. So if you would allow me to tag along please message me or ring me on 07846049641 cheers.
  3. No there is nothing there do you have to be a paying member
  4. Hello. As the title says everytime i try to post something it comes up with that i need to choose a title prefix but there is none to choose from am i being a simpleton or is there a problem. Cheers
  5. Those them hybrid squirels ?
  6. I use winny super x on my bolt action they work a treat dunno about you semi though
  7. I dont know the story but i would love to see one they have a wingspan of 2 meters or above thats impressive i love to see buzzards which i see regulary this smmer we had an osprey on the farm which was amazing and would love to see one of these
  8. http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197288 Dunno if this is any good for you
  9. Yeh if i was you you get a rimfire you can get a fully set up Cz for £470
  10. Bloody hell thats scary stuff never knew they could do that will keep an eye out for one doing it
  11. We shoot them because there absolute thousands of them and they crap all over the place it was mainly when the caravan was there they were crapping on that so were trying to move them on. I know what a woodcock is i know how they fly im capable of identing alot of birds just these havegot me wondering i will try getting closer and getting an ident on them they are nervous birds they dont sit around for long.
  12. No mate sorry the runways were locked up last time i went will try too next time. Bungged up with a cold at the moment its crazing me mad
  13. No i have given up arguing with them they keep sayin we are nt listening to a 19 year old and would prefer to listen to the CZ gunsmith which of course i would do over me anytime but the stuff the has been saying i would touch him with a barge pole. There was another thread on there started by an american the he shot a little song bird from 100 yards how proud he must be. USA morons no offence to anyone on here
  14. Thats what i have been saying to them i have just been getting snardy comments like your 19 so your obviously an expert. well i thought it was just common sense to use snap caps or something
  15. Same here i join the army January the 19th so hoping of making somthing of myself.
  16. There was a topic brought up on Rimfire Central. Is it ok to dryfire a CZ rifle? Now i would say no you should use somesort of snap cap i told them how to disable the firing pin but apparently these american do dryfire practise so they continously dryfire a gun without any ammunition. They said that a Cz gunsmith told them its fine but i dont think it is there is proof that it hits and dents the chamber. Shall i post up the topic from Rimfire Central? Can you post your views on this because im sure you should nt continoulsy dryfire a rifle but they are adement you can.
  17. Hmmm they could be starling there are alot about they love the chicken s**t heap i know they are nt lapwings or wading birds im not that thick. Not sure how im gonna solve this on as they are nt there in the day.
  18. Well its where the wolds end and the Fenlands begin so its very flat lying sandy peaty soil not many trees about. They dont fly like snipe or woodcock we did see a woodcock though bu its not that.
  19. I use a cloth and some bisley oil but in my gun cabinet where it has been getting damp i use Napier Super vp90 patch which is a micromoleculer patch that stick to the inside of the cabinet and release a protective substance that only sticks to the metal its great.
  20. I would like one for the butt of the gun so its easier to zero my rifle combined with my bipod it would be sturdy for zeroing but cant bring myself to pay that price for a bit of plastic
  21. For the last two night me and mcrobo123 have been lamping rabbits. While scanning around we keep seeing these little red eyes then a flock of birds get up there is about 7-10 in the flock. We know they are nt partridge so what could they be ?
  22. Is tehre a rifle range near you ? Or get permission from a land owner
  23. Yes i would like to know this because there was a fox 50 yards out from me and i left it i have on my ticket vermin control the land owner would mind but i dont shoot if im unsure
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