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jack pyke

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Everything posted by jack pyke

  1. little beltaz them best of look with sale.
  2. up the borders cracking little terriers ask johnny bluck breaking through[
  3. well done mate top man nice gesture giving your black dog to the younging
  4. rabbitt muncher very well bred dog going of the names the wizard mentioned
  5. hello rabbitt muncher fine looking dog their ive seen this dog on very quick and springy jumps for fun great to watch well done
  6. well done brykay nice big fox looks like its crossed with a wolf nice dogs really like the red dog keep it up
  7. hi i used to put a board up in garden with dogs food at other side he would jump over straight away when he seen his bait. and just when out walking when you come up to a wall or fence jump over and shout for dog to follow. he or she will soon learn just keep at it. hope this helps.
  8. hi angelic reason i asked if you still worked lakey russell because ihave a one he is mad keen but to big to get to ground im getting a new dog in a few months time both parents are working lakeys well bred how are your black dogs bred
  9. nice one mate youve been at it for a long time are you still at it with lakeland x russell cheers
  10. what is your favourite memory in your involvement with terriers
  11. well done mate looks like some deep digs top terrier man
  12. jack pyke


    nice sticks them alot of work gone into them dont see many as good as them look after them mate
  13. nice bit of chocalate rapskee well done mate nice looking dog to
  14. hi transit really nice terriers them 2 top left could pull that trailer nice strong dogs
  15. really nice looking dog jamie what height is he cheers
  16. hello bbb i have a jack russell cross lakeland he works rat rabbitt and when lurcher gets fox hes straight on its throat he hasant been to ground hes a big dog very leggy and not spannable other wise cracking dog
  17. yes afew people have asked if im having another litter she is due a heat in febuary i havnt decided yet but will let you know cheers
  18. hi muncher yes she had 6 lovely pups i feed her on skinners working 23 mixed with chicken and pasta or mince and pasta with tinned tomatoes all well fed deserve it the sire is 11 inch black and white
  19. yes she has gone to ground many times and bolted rabbitts and lurchers have caught them yes my eyes are perfect mate
  20. hi ratter she does go down the sets and bolt rabbits to the lurchers and she is a good busher to a handy little tool cheers mate
  21. the best way is to go out with someone who has a bushing dog with experience and let your dogs follow they will soon pick it up good hunting to you
  22. hi rabbitt muncher like the name mad yes she had 6 pups last year 3 bitches 3 dogs bred her with my mates russel excellent worker all pups black and white all doing well thanks
  23. yes steve they do look very similar give your dog ago heel love it once bitten thats it they get switched on and cant wait to kill the next one hard little dogs cheers
  24. and im a geordie from newcastle you can call me what you want couldnt give a f**k
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