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Everything posted by Eunectes

  1. You been out with it since college, chap? Been thinking we should all take a trip over Reisley some time before I disapear over Wales way!
  2. RSPCA Appeal Wanted: Home for recently abandoned chimpanzee. Toilet trained, very friendly and enjoys being wanked off with a white glove!
  3. Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates and God asked her what he could do for her having led such an honest life. Farrah asked God to simply make sure the children of the world were safe. Five minutes later, Michael Jackson died. Shame about Michael Jackson really... just when baby p thought he was safe!
  4. A lecturer at our college swears by an electric fence round his garden to keep cats away!
  5. I've not made cider on my own but used to help my great uncle with his when I was younger, he was more of a traditionalist and didn't believe in adding extra yeast as there should be plenty on the apple skins in the first place and leaving it in a cool barn to ferment rather somewhere constantly warm. With this method it does take a long time to ferment but the cider undergoes two seperate types of fermentation at different points causing the end product to be a bit more palatable (I forget the specifics of the chemical processes but the information is reasonably easy to find on the net if you
  6. Check this out: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/scrumpy/cider/press3.htm It looks quite similar to what my great uncle used to use for his scrumpy production but a bit smaller, I wouldn't mess around with any hand powered presses, you just can't generate the neccessary power to do a particularly effective job with them. Make sure you try a glass full of the apple juice as it's being squeezed, it's easily the nicest soft drink on the planet!
  7. If you google oak casks there's a few companys selling them but they aint cheap! I've got a book on homebrew somewhere at home that mentions brewing in casks that points out that they can be a bit tricky to keep water(or cider) tight if I remember correctly, something about the potential fo shrinking/exapanding/warping of the wood. Overall you may be better off just buying a plastic one for a lot less cash, although the cider may not be quite so nice!
  8. Quite handy to have around when it comes to christmas dinner too!
  9. Theoreticaly you could claim reasonable use of force in shooting at someone but practically it just wouldn't hold up in court. Particularly with the laws in this country on storing firearms, in this case of being disturbed in the night then taking a rifle out of a locked cabinet before going to intervene would be seen as a premedetated attack and a hefty jail sentence is likely to be incurred. Being a gang member in an inner city estate with an unlicenced firearm on the other hand will more than likely get you a weekend in Butlins!
  10. It's a tricky one and pretty shit. There is really no way you could ever legally justify bringing a firearm into a potentially violent situation and you would at least lose your FAC/SGC. It obviously varies from situation to situation but it is always worth remembering the old saying: "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six"!
  11. The way i've had it explained to me you would usually assum the purpose of the tunnel to be to prevent the catching of non-target species and to prevent a trap potentially becoming a leg-hold trap. If you're thinking of setting Magnums in a fence I would think it should be possible to call a kinda thick frame set into the fence a reasonable tunnel for the purpose although i'm no great expert on the subject.
  12. This is the first time i've ever acually seen the things and quite aside from the alleged inhumanity of the things, after looking at a few of the vids on youtube there's no way I'll be considering going near one. I singed my eyebrows off enough times as a teenager and have no great desire to do so again! It is interesting that the company's website deffinately hints strongly towards the rodenator being used for pest control rather than just tunnel destruction.
  13. I'm at Moulton College in Northamptonshire doing a BTEC National in coutryside management, it involves a large amount of stuff on gamekeeping. It's a bit far to come every day but we've got a couple of lads from up your way who stay in the halls of residence!
  14. Sorry to intrude but what is this ban on peticides that's coming (or possibly already has come) into force? I'm currently doing a course that includes pest and predator control but havent yet covered poisons other than my PA1 which is obviously kinda unrelated!
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