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Everything posted by JackWilliams

  1. Bit late, but mine is in the house and shes fine, detests cats and the "family" (spoilt stupid and lazy) jack russle, but with anything and anyone else shes brilliant.
  2. when i had my first patterdale, i just walked around everywhere, straight away she started diving into bushes, chasing anything. I think the term is "Hit and Miss"!
  3. yeah id have thought that but they arent. They dnt give a shi*t about anyover sport. sad really.
  4. hey everyone, new on here, read the posts for a while, and decided its a sound site. Ive got a patterdale bitch and a russel. Do a bit of work with the patterdale, but really havent got enough of a clue. Its nice to find a site where terriers can be talked about, everyone by me are shooting and fishing, and decideley anti - digging! regards jack
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