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Everything posted by JackWilliams

  1. its page 185 , about 8 line sfrom the bottom.
  2. Just been giving a copy of Brian Plummers - Working terrier, and alot of his writing seems to be fantasy, or to me it seems that way. "a russel type bitch called set killed 400 rabbits in here 3 year life" - IMHO i begin to think hmmm. the fact that he says he recvognises every rabbit he has hunted, and is saddend when he finally kills one, to me this sounds like bullshit. i know hes dead, but was just wondering if these figures and storys are true, because unlike J-darcys book n David Harcombe there seems to be a feeling of fantasy when i read it. any info would be well recived
  3. my butty had two red lakelands, one was two years old, and far to ahrd. he had to sell it. The other is a 8 month old puppy and is also unbelivabley hard, hasnt seen a fox yet, just rabbits n rats, but its a killing machine, so i dont know why people slate them.
  4. is there a sale near gilfach next tuesday?? just wondering as im going up to have a look for a lurchr pup, just wondering. i heard somthing about it but any information about where it atually is would be really helpfull. jack
  5. I went to a t+l show about a year ago in bargoed workings men club, or sumwhere simillar, and was chatting to a proper old boy :whistle: , who had these ausome looking jrt's, they looked as if they had bull to quite an extent in them, he said they were "parson" or old line, if so has anyone got any pics, they were a solid type of dog, and am intreted in getting one! ta boys
  6. ive bin on here for a while now, and after reading the above post all i can say is "fecking hell, here we go agen" :whistle: :black eye:
  7. yeah mate its a good book, prety it doesnt prop up the table as good as some of plummers book *working terrier* cant belived i nicked that from the libary
  8. :whistle: If any welsh are reading, Im good on a spade, ive dug enough flowerbeds and trenches!! pm me!!
  9. Them dogs are very nice , nicer looking than my ex. wish she dlift that restraining order!
  10. Even though i dont know millet, im sure he wont mind this ----> :clapping:
  11. its chav mentality, they cant fight one on one, trust me. they have to go around in 30's and pick on innocent people, and stab instead of punch :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:
  12. i know this is a bit late, butin the current media climate i thought posting pictures of dead cubs would be certain suicide. I know it has to be done, but why not keep these things hidden. we need a decent PR Officer, possibey the one that Jhonn Prescott has got , because he can get out of anythng! :black eye: :whistle:
  13. yes well im bricking it now, as the boys have done criminal damage in the village, and the police have been reported, and one ov them is in awee bit of a mess, threatening and all that shit, what a good bank holiday. think ill go up the pub peace out
  14. yeah weve had sum nights up there
  15. funnily enough, after posting in this yopic, my sister had a party last nite. When it was over and i asked sum boys to leave @ around 12 am they started giving me verbal, saying "we know her brother and if you carry on like this well fu*ck you up" - i dont like these kids anyway, and then they threaten me, and i happent o be "thr brother " anyway, and its my bar, but instead of losing it, there wass only "5" ov them, none of them is any problem i repeated my self and kept calm. But we live in a privbate lane where theres elderly people, so when they still congregated out side my house at 1am,
  16. the problem is drugs and just a yobish culture. when we go clubbing and theres a disagrement, its not one of them and one of us it ends up bout 30 of them and 5-6 of us! they all go round in groups just because they cant fight one to one. mind on new years eve there was 13 of us in a party when 27 boys froma nother skool decided to "gate crash". the onle gates they ended up crashing were the A + E!! legend of a nite
  17. king, sound mate, im from cardiff, but the last year ive bin livin in hereford, sum cracking lamping up there.
  18. King where to you from in wales mate :whistle:
  19. I think the spirit of the countryside is either in your blood or not
  20. and to think, i was going to buy a plummer when i finished this course!
  21. Me and some mates were talking yestereday, and kenneling came up. They reckon a dogs a better worker if it lives in the kennel, they reckon it gains more independence and will be "harder" true or false? i reckon its bullshi*t, the dog will work if can work regardless of where it stayin. what are the advantages working wise to a kennels?
  22. where could i find that david harcombe book on the badgers. It would be an intresting read, even if it was waaaaaay before my time. talking about badgers , i took a mate out last nite on the lamp to prove how many foxes/ rabbits there are locally and we ended up seeing three badgers! is that unusual or not?? remeber im novice comapred to the majority on here.
  23. im 17 and have a few of his books, at first, before i read other books and met other people and got out there and started on my own, i thought they were very good inspirational. but now i realise the majority of it is more like storys and dreams! The best book has to be J Darcys. Had that and David Harcombe WOWT for cristmas, very intresting and inspiring books.
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