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Everything posted by zini

  1. Grae, Both the HW97 and HW98 are really great rifles especially when SFS tuned (probably the best they will ever be) and it wouldn't affect results no matter which one you chose. For me the HW98 is far easier to get great results with though and I think its all down to the super quick lock time and no muzzle flip. There are people on here that have sold their 97s to buy a 98 after shooting my 98 and other 98s, there are also lads that now have both. Best thing to do is try a SFS tuned one. Si.
  2. Its looking like there are 3 ladies so far in the Sunday comp . Can any more for you fine gentlemen bring your good lady along too? . Would be great to get more ladies start attending these meets . These still 2 weeks left guys to book you baby sitters . Si.
  3. List of attendees below please add a (Y) next to your name if you can make the whole weekend Si Pittaway (Y) Rob Hampton. ​(Y) Possible 1 extra with Rob (Y) Nigel Gosling (Y) Aaron Friend. (Y) Gary Friend. (Y) Darryl (Y) Wurz (John) (Y) Davyt63 (Y) Chaz (Y) Phil Jones (Y) Helen Pianoman Gary-Festa (Y) Phil Gibbs (Y) AndyFR (Y) Roger (Y) Steve Watson (Y) Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) AndyZ (Andy)(Y) AR177 (y) Neil Ann Laura (after her work on Saturday 1700 hrs, till finish Sunday ).
  4. List of attendees below please add a (Y) next to your name if you can make the whole weekend Si Pittaway (Y) Rob Hampton. ​(Y) Possible 1 extra with Rob (Y) Nigel Gosling (Y) Aaron Friend. (Y) Gary Friend. (Y) Darryl (Y) Wurz (John) (Y) Davyt63 (Y) Chaz (Y) Phil Jones (Y) Helen Pianoman Gary-Festa (Y) Phil Gibbs (Y) AndyFR (Y) Roger (Y) Steve Watson (Y) Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) AndyZ (Andy)(Y) AR177 (y) Neil Ann
  5. The word is starting to get around now mate just how good they really are. They seem to have been a very good kept secret that is now hitting the scene. Way back in November last year when me and Davy were up at SFS we asked Tony what springer he would have if any to use for targets and HFT (from any in the world) and he said a .177 SFS S1 tuned HW98 without a doubt. At that stage I had never shot one. Now I'm blown away by them. I think a .22 one would just be dead and deadly on vermin aswell. The two I've now shot love Falcon Accuracy Plus .177 pellets. Very very accurate wi
  6. No twang at all on a SFS tuned HW98 mate. Just silk and death rolled into one.
  7. Thanks all for the comments. The Imp is a impressive little rifle. A out and out vermin taker. Yes Elliott ill defo compare it against the SFS HW98. They do so many great rifles now. I want them all. I think after we have done the Imp review I may treat myself to a new Imp for hide shooting and ratting on the lamp.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAxciF70fsI Si & Davy.
  9. Cracking lads. Ive commented on YT. More of this kind of stuff please.
  10. Tim Finley an ex champion shooter has now tried the Sandwell Field Sports HW98 and says its the finest spring rifle he as ever used. So good he's now got one on order himself. The word is slowly getting out. Don't miss out lads, feel the power of the HW98 black hole rifle .
  11. X9.5 to 10 mag will give you 5 yard intervals between aim points Adam.
  12. Great Russian proven hunting rifle. Great calibre Great scope Adam. Its going to be a cracking combo mate. Before you get time to properly calibrate your ret. Try between 9.5 and x10 mag mate from a 25 yard zero.
  13. You must of been very unlucky to have a rifle from the factory so bad that it didnt manage to shoot 300 pellets through before falling a part and the spring snapping mate. Its not even bedded in at that stage. Did you not shoulder it in the shop before buying it to feel the balance of it mate and know where the balance was? The rifle is supposed to be front heavy as it was designed for target shooting from the standing position. What is LSR? Si.
  14. Chaz Ive heard that there is a contract out on your garden flag . Anyone who can rob Chazs garden flag gets £1000 from the jock army
  15. Glad that your ok now Roger . This is why taking a mobile phone with you shooting on silent is very important, especially when your alone . I bet it would of made 2 crackers of outakes for VHTV if id have caught you falling on camera and spitting and swearing like a good un . Next time keep of the moon shine, thats the real reason. Si.
  16. Did everyone know that Chaz is actually Scottish and flies that flag in his garden . He keeps it a well guarded secret.
  17. Its a no brainer to me mate. Ive shot and used all the rifles mentioned and the HW98 is in my opinion the best. Any springer that can compete with rifles at £1000 and £1400s as got to have great potential hasn't it?
  18. Me and Davy tried the SFS IMP last saturday. They are only making it in .22. It blew our minds. I videoed it all for VHTV and captured Davy saying its smoother and with less recoil than his SFS S2 tuned HW97KT. I shot 7 pellets with it only at 20 yards as thats what the paper target was set out at and it made a group the size of my little finger nail with only 3 visible pellet holes all in top of each other. Id say it was smoother than my HW98 and it wasnt even bedded in.
  19. Happy birthday mate. From me and LJ
  20. They now call him Steve the stander. Standing shots are no problem for him. Pcp or spring the target is going over. Nice shooting Steve.
  21. Some of the best friends i have ever known I've met through this forum and shooting . 22 years in the military and there is only 1 or 2 friends from the military that i would say match these lads for being proper friends Lets hope that more people start attending the meets and mini comps.
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