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Everything posted by zini

  1. 1. Si Pittaway (Y) 2. Rob Hampton. ​(Y) 3, Robs friend (Y) 4. 4site (Dave). 5. Nigel Gosling (Y) 6. Nigel's friend Wayne Eveliegh (Y) 7.Aaron Friend. (Y) 8. Gary Friend. (Y) 9. Darryl (Y) 10 .Wurz (John) (Y) 11. Davyt63 (Y) 12. Chaz (Y) 13. Phil Jones (Y) 14. Helen 15. Pianoman 16. Gary-Festa (Y) 17. Phil Gibbs (Y) 18. AndyFR (Y) 19. Roger (Y) 20. Steve Watson (Y) 21. Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) 22. R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) 23. AndyZ (Andy)(Y) 24. Brendan (Y) 25. Neil (Y) 26. Ann (Y) 27. Joe (Y) 28. Chaz's CJ 29. Chaz's relation. 30.
  2. Laura is now coming all weekend Ann. She said that she will see you there. Si.
  3. Just re checked the footage better in more detail in regards to the Nite Site Spotter max range and I made a mistake with the initial range estimation on Google Earth. The freeze framed photo I did on x42 mag was the key to the detail. It showed the copse was right on the far end of the golf course next to the road. This on Google Earth is at 780 yards. Still very good though and far enough to outsee what anyone will ever be able to shoot at night. Si.
  4. In this episode of VHTV both myself and Davy take out the brilliant new Nite Site spotter unit and Davys new NS200 for the first time to put them both through their paces in the field and around a farm complex. We start off at the business park shooting rabbits followed later by a quick visit to a golf course for an experiment with the NS spotter before finally ending up at the dairy farm shooting rats in dark for the farm manager. In the morning when tidying up the shot quarry Davy manages 2 nice added bonuses with the NS200 in day mode. Si & Davy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM
  5. I wouldn't look too much into a 2 hour battery life. We run it 2 times that on Fri and it still didnt die.
  6. Hopefully Phil will bring my Alpha chrony with him too.
  7. 1. Si Pittaway (Y) 2. Rob Hampton. ​(Y) 3, Robs friend (Y) 4. 4site (Dave). 5. Nigel Gosling (Y) 6. Nigel's friend Wayne Eveliegh (Y) 7.Aaron Friend. (Y) 8. Gary Friend. (Y) 9. Darryl (Y) 10 .Wurz (John) (Y) 11. Davyt63 (Y) 12. Chaz (Y) 13. Phil Jones (Y) 14. Helen 15. Pianoman 16. Gary-Festa (Y) 17. Phil Gibbs (Y) 18. AndyFR (Y) 19. Roger (Y) 20. Steve Watson (Y) 21. Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) 22. R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) 23. AndyZ (Andy)(Y) 24. Brendan (Y) 25. Neil (Y) 26. Ann (Y) 27. Joe (Y) 28. Chaz's CJ 29. Chaz's relation.
  8. Yeah thanks mate. 40 rats recovered, probably another 5 or 6 not found. 5 rabbits. 1 woody and 1 dove. All filmed for a new epidode of VHTV.
  9. Here are some pics and screen shots from last nights hunting with the new Nite Site kit. Black and white is the NS200 and the bluey colour is the spotter. Got to say now lads the spotter is the dogs.
  10. So you both bringing the new 98s to the meet Aaron? 4 SFS tuned HW98s all in comp would make for some brilliant footage. Would be good to do a mini interview with you both on your thoughts on the new springers. Ive thought about bringing my .22 97kt, .177 98 and .22 Spectre so that people can try them if they want. Maybe still people that are thinking of buying a SFS springer but not 100% sure which one. If you could bring your .177 97kt too it would make a great range.
  11. Yep tunes have gone up a bit to around £ or £85 as demand is very high and staff there are spending all their time tuning. When you think a S1 tune will take plus of 3 to 4 hours to do then parts on top. £85 is a steel for what you get back.
  12. Great work Elliott. It looks really good mate. Are you coming to the meet? Would be nice to try the Dave Hall tuned 77.
  13. Well the medals are now ordered ready for the comps we are running. So on the Saturday we are running: The snake head challenge (new). The long range shot. The cocktail stirrer challenge (new). And air gun darts. On Sunday is the main HFT. 30 targets with an open, recoiling, .22, junior and ladies classes. Si.
  14. The FX looks brilliant mate.
  15. I think this year is going to be the year of the HW98 making it big time on the scene. Out the box they are accurate as I found out when shooting Robs un-tuned one when he first got it, but tuned they are incredible rifles. Well its goes to show when you score 51 with a recoilless .177 BSA Ultra SE which is so so accurate, but score 54 with a tuned SFS HW98 (all witnessed too by a member on here). How many of us can actually honestly say that they have a springer that will match or better their pcp?
  16. List of attendees below please add a (Y) next to your name if you can make the whole weekend 1. Si Pittaway (Y) 2. Rob Hampton. ​(Y) 3, Robs friend (Y) 4. 4site (Dave). 5. Nigel Gosling (Y) 6. Nigel's friend Wayne Eveliegh (Y) 7.Aaron Friend. (Y) 8. Gary Friend. (Y) 9. Darryl (Y) 10 .Wurz (John) (Y) 11. Davyt63 (Y) 12. Chaz (Y) 13. Phil Jones (Y) 14. Helen 15. Pianoman 16. Gary-Festa (Y) 17. Phil Gibbs (Y) 18. AndyFR (Y) 19. Roger (Y) 20. Steve Watson (Y) 21. Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) 22. R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) 23. AndyZ (Andy)(Y) 24. AR177 (y)
  17. They both are very good VM. I think I prefer the HW98 overall and a .22 one would be lovely for hunting I think. The thing is im waiting to see what I like most the imp or 98 in .22.
  18. We still have to film it mate. Lots to do and so little time.
  19. Agree with buy what you can afford or need for your rifle, but also have to say the Sidewinder Tac 30 and 30 SR Pro are quality as well as the Panorama on a air rifle. If your not using NV kit and using a lamp or shooting at dusk you still need a scope with the optics to achieve it. Its ok using a £30 scope in the day or with NV kit but will that scope be good at 1900 hrs when silhouette shooting in the Autumn / Winter? Some will but i think many wont cut the mustard. Its all down to buying what you need as the gent says. The forum is all about giving out advise and passing on TRUE
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