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Everything posted by zini

  1. Yes cheers Lindsay ive just put another post up for you mate.
  2. Just some pics mate i dont know if you have seen them or not. And a photo of me and the wife from New Year just gone. Regards Si
  3. Hi just thought that i would put some pics up of the dog after a week on the new diet and food. He looks a million times better than he did last week. The extra bushing work as also helped. Thanks for all you advice guys and keep up the good work.
  4. Hi just thought that i would put some pics up of the dog after a week on the new diet and food. He looks a million times better than he did last week. The extra bushing work as also helped. Thanks for all you advice guys and keep up the good work.
  5. Yes Lindsey your spot on mate why do you ask, do you know something that i dont? Was i or am i still is the question Yes thanks Hobb and Jill.
  6. Deltor yes you are right there is some bull in him, but if you look at the working pedigree you will see that it was way back and he is more patterdale than staff by far. You should also see that there is some quality breeding in him so i have been told. As i have always said i am no big terrier man. I am just a guy that likes to read your posts on the forum and respect what you all do. I also respects the terriers for their working abilities. I think that we should all stick together and fight for the rights for your guys and gals to keep this great sport alive. There are far to man
  7. yes thanks guys for the advice. He has been on a strict diet now since the first post, plus has been doing some proper tough exercise and a bit of working. I live in Germany now and am just getting to know the right people in the north to get the permission to get him to ground. He has done abit in the UK but i never have classed myself as a mad keen foxer. I like the odd bit of ratting and hes a demon at that. He is also a mean bushing dog and will work all day.
  8. Hi guys i was just after some good advice from the more experienced Patterdale men in here. I have a 20 month old Patterdale and have been feeding him 2 times a day since he was 11 weeks old. Should i put him down to once a day now as he is older or still give him food twice a day but only a bit of food each sitting. I have knowticed he has put alittle weight on these past Winter months and i dont want him turning out fat and unworkable. Ill put a some recent pic of him up and see what you think. Is he fatter than he should be? Cheers and regards Zini.
  9. Just thought that id put a few picks up from last Summer and last Winter up.
  10. Ive used them to great effects mate. Remember to jerk the minnow slowly and give it some slack line. Use a strong but thin line. Ive court plenty of trout on the small minnow and pike on the larger 2 sizes. Here is a pic of my mate with a few trout that we caught on the small minnow here in Germany. Good Look.
  11. [Welcome to the site mate
  12. My wife was born in Siberia mate and the tapping of birch sap is a normal occurance there. The best time to tap it is just as the leaves on the birch tree are starting to appear, this is usually within a couple of weeks of each other from year to year. Early Spring. It makes an excellant drink when put in the fridge as a thirst buster after sport etc.
  13. Thats a pair of lovely looking dogs mate, the grey one looks very strong.
  14. Hallo Chris ich bin kommen auch aus Deutscheland aber ich bin ein Englander. Es tut mir leid das mein Deutsche ist nicht so gut aber ich offer das du kan verstein mir. Ich hab auch ein 18 monnet alt Patterdale und ich wollter jammand kenenlern aus Deutschland das ist ein jager. Wo in Deutschland bis du? Ich kommen aus ein klein dorf neben Celle, 40 minuten vom Hannover. Ich will auch gehen mit jemand jagen. Heir ist ein foto vom mein hund Zini.
  15. I got to say and im no real hard terrier man myself just a keen interest really. That the dog doesnt look like it can breathe properly no mind hunt. I bet it has problems licking its own balls and arse.
  16. Hes a Nuttel crossed Wheeler mate. Hes got strong working lines and can get himself into trouble if not watched. He is fine with other dogs, soft id even say and submissive, but a demon with anything else and will try and kill anythimg else no matter what. The breeded of him is always breeding new dogs and they are cheap as chips if anyone is interested i can contact him on someone behalf.
  17. Hi there i have been reading a lot of the posts in here and i was wondering if anyone has crossed a pat with a running dog, if so any pictures and how do they fair as lurchers etc.
  18. Cheers mate, yes he is strong as an ox. The kids cant hold him if he see's somthing, especially a cat
  19. This is my patterdale terrier, hes 18 months old now and coming on a treat. Hes done a bit of working but im not an out and out terrier man myself so i dont push him to much. Hes keen as mustard and hunts him self even when out with the kids. Hes pretty good at bushing and getting up game. Here are some photos of him from his walk today.
  20. zini


    He looks like the colour of dry bracken Poacher, what about Bracken?
  21. I have to agree mate i have 2 young children 1 of 5 and the other of 8. My patterdale also lives in the house and has done since 10 weeks old. He is now over 11 months old and a total physco outside in the country. He will try and attack anything, nothing is to much to take on, but in the house with the kids hes brilliant, the kids pull him, ride him, fight him, and role him on his back and pull him around the carpet. He has never once growled or showed his teeth. I think they are what you make them mate. Patterdales in my eyes are very intelligent and great house dogs. Mine would not let anyo
  22. She looks like she is going to be a cracker [bANNED TEXT].
  23. Ive got a patterdale mate. It was also my first terrier, hes 11 months old today and hes brilliant. Yes they are hard dogs and they need to be treat hard at first to get them to know who the boss is as they do try and rule the roost but once dominated they are ace. Mine will try and kill anything that gets in its way. I do recommend them mate
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