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Everything posted by zini

  1. Good on you mate. I hope you have many happy shooting years together. I have a very close friend who is a woman and she loves shooting and hunting. She is on this forum too. All the best Zini
  2. Nice shooting Phantom, and i like your combo. Si
  3. Nice dogs Tris Cheers for the pics Si
  4. Cheers Chris for the kind comments about Zin. Some time back i got some nasty comments on this site from a so called hardened terrier man who said that Zin was a barrel chested waist of space for a dog. He never saw Zin work and didnt know me from Adam. It sort of made me angry but what can you do? I new how good he is and thats all that matters. Ive just told little Zin about your comments and he is now walking around the house like the King of Sheeba LOL. Si
  5. Cheers Chris mate. I feel like a flipping secretary Gary at the moment. Si
  6. Ill try and make a show on the 4th mate but im not sure whats happening at work and with my ankle at the mo mate. Its a pretty hectic time right now in my life work wise and my boss is beasting me with lots of administartion etc for stuff i have to do in London in November. Your Tascos arrived yet Chris? Si
  7. Hi Tris, My terrier is a cross mate. He is 3/4 Nuttle / Wheeler Patterdale and 1/4 irish staff. Both his parents were good working dogs and he has carried on in their paw steps. I dont use him on charlie for digging as hes a bit to big across the chest, he was bred for something bigger so im informed but that being illegal he doesnt get used for that either. Hes a first class bushing terrier and will kill anything he catches in the runs from fox to rat ect. Ive took him out a few times with Festa, Wuzzy, Reggaeman and Marksman and they have seen him in action as soon as we let
  8. Good write up Festa and that was some good shooting last night from you fella. 3 for 3 and 2 of them were long 30 metre bunnies with nothing to rest on. They were shot due to share marksmanship. After some strong pain killers and a good nights rest my ankle feels better this morning mate. I hope things went well with the other lad mate and that we got some more permission. Zini.
  9. Cheers lads, Yes Reggaeman i'm looking forward to visiting yours and Wuzzys neck of the woods to shoot and be looked after LOL Mines a Bulmers with ice Has both your Tasco's arrived yet lads? If so what do you think of them? I think that you will be over the moon with them when you get them out in the field shooting bunnies. Them NATO mil dots are so easy to see at night and on x10 mag they are spot on, it makes the long shots (plus 35 metres to 50 metres) a breeze if rested on a stable post / platform. They are a well under estimated piece of equipment and for the price of the
  10. Hi guys, After visiting various farms today with permission letters i managed to hit on a farm where the lady informed me that she had a bunny infestation problem and had been let down by hunters in the past saying that they would cull her problem but never carried out their promise. After about 10 minutes of telling her all about me and what i can offer her with my pals Festa, Marksman, Wuzzy and Reggaeman she give me the permission. Its a farm with 40ish hecters of fields where bunnies just rule the roost at night and early evening and 3 or 4 barns with the odd rat and ferrel pig
  11. Thats a mint bag there Festa / Marksman. The permission looks vast too. Keep up the good posts Zini
  12. Not a problem guys, mid week is fine by me Si
  13. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourselves guys, I certainly did. The break for dinner went down a treat to lads, sat in that roasting sun shine with a cold one . Ive just added the photos that i took from my camera phone. Cheers for coming up lads it was a pleasure to shoot with you both again. You know that you are welcome at mine anytime you want to shoot. I'm going to speak to the game keeper Barny and see about getting you both and Festa and Marksman full time permission up here. I dont think ill ever forget the way that crow went down when hit with that Ultra. Its got to be
  14. Hi there Tdesnos, From my own experiences friend it doesn’t really matter weather you are using Real Tree or one of the other tree type camo companies products or even military DPM when stalking around after your quarry as they are all designed to break up and disrupt your bodies shape but leave your outline in tact blending you into a back ground. The key to that statement is back ground. You need to ensure that you are covered by a full back ground from your feet to the top of your head. Gillie suits etc are excellent for taking your cam that one bit further by breaking up the shap
  15. Cheers mate for the reply. Thats just the way ive been doing it too with my mates on here that i shoot with. Si
  16. I'd say go with what ever your heart really wants Gary. You must have a feeling within yourself for 1 gun over the others. Due to the design and manufacture of rifles and PCP’s these days all the guns will shoot more accurately than the shooter can use them no matter how good someone thinks that they can shoot. All the guns will have more shots than the shooter can carry the dead quarry. All the guns are top quality guns from top manufactures with high standards. I went with the BSA R10 because its what i felt would suit me the most and what i liked the look of the most.
  17. An excellant post mate. Where the squizzers baited with mais and grain etc on the ground level pri to the cull, or did you go to a area where they just live in abundance and forage from tree to tree seeing what they can find? Where i shoot there are lots of squizzers and i get the odd 1 or 2 when im out with the gun but with the leaves on the trees at the minute its hard to get a cross hair on them for longer than a 3 or 4 seconds before they are hidden. My best chances are when they are around the bird feeder hoppers and the way is clear. 13 is a very impressive number.
  18. I hope you bring some of that down on Saturday mate for my dinner Si
  19. Nice shooting Stealthy1. By the look of that bunny i bet it will fill the family nicely Zini
  20. All the best with your new permission mate. i look forward to reading your write ups Zini
  21. No problems guys. I have had to edit the post from the original one due to unwanted PM's from ANTI's Zini
  22. Guys, Due to the fact that I used to work teaching ballistics amongst other things with my work until 2005, I thought that I would put together this very little and diagrammatic aid to help shooters understand the very basics of pellet / projectile ballistics. I hope that it is of use to some people and answers some questions in your minds. Zini Air_rifle_ballistics.doc
  23. Bearinator ive just been looking at your profile mate. If you get any more rifles you will be able to open your own shop LOL Si
  24. Foriegn woman that push me over tearing my ligaments are the thing i hate the most :realmad: What does Elaborate mean? suffisticated, complex, etc Can someone help? Si
  25. Nice one Festa. At least we can see the bunnies better now. Si
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