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Everything posted by zini

  1. Yes its quite near to some Army Barracks mate. That would be them shooting or training they are always up to it around here. LOL Zini
  2. Chris i was trying to be tactical mate and not mention your name. LOL Si
  3. £1000 if mint and camoed up in real tree. It could even be more if the scope is a good one. They are £835 on their own without scope and without the camo job mate. www.theairguncentre.com Zini
  4. Nice read mate. Squizzers are hard little ba--ards and dont always stop dead even when hit good. Ive shot them in the noggin and they have run 1 or 2 metres before realising whats happening and then dying quickly after a shake or two. Ive also seen a mate of mine a few weeks back now but 2 in the head of a squizzer after it had been hit and knocked to the floor with a neck shot and the thing was still breathing. This thing was either wearing kevlar or it was just the meanest squizzer in North Yorkshire. Dont ask me how as his gun was pushing out 11.5 FP. Zini
  5. What calibre and range did you achieve the shot at friend? well done anyway Zini
  6. tomorrow is good for me to 5:30 normal place?? 1700 hrs tomorrow mate
  7. Cheers Chris for the kind comments Si
  8. Good luck fellow Please put up some photos when you have sussed it out Zini
  9. Nice shooting lads, Its always better i feel when you go shooting with a pal or 2. I enjoy watching pals shoot and pull off good shots just as much as i enjoy shooting myself. All them rifles look the business friend. Ive got a thing for them Ultras but i like the single shot. Well done Zini
  10. zini

    this is why!

    I dont think i would fancy eating that. I think the meat could be cleaned but when im chewing on it i would be thinking about the rotten bits and would spit it out LOL Zini
  11. Nice shooting Gary mate. Im glad that you like your new Tasco Marksman. I told you that the scope is mint. Its another very well kept secret is te Tasco 6-24x50 ill AO I think if more hunters tried them they wouldnt change from them. I cant see why people need to pay heaps for a expensive scope when you get the coated optics, fog and gas filled Tascos for next to nothing on the net and it includes a AO and mil dot reticle. What more do you need hey? I wouldnt swap my Tasco for any other scope. I know its caperbilities in low light and it has never once let me down. Si
  12. Good shooting friend. It looks like you have some prime breast meat there to tuck into Well done and keep the good posts coming Zini
  13. Another Phanton ace write up I love the way you write up your articles Tony Well done as well, keep at them mate Si
  14. zini


    Couple of nice rats there mate Well done and good shooting Zini
  15. Hi guys, I went for a walk around the pheasant pens yesterday dinner time for an hour. I took my R10 and video camera / tripod just in case there were some squizzers out and wanted to star in my DVD Sure enough there was so i give them a main part This little snippet will be added to the Ultimate Vermin DVD. Enjoy Zini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMduJleeTFU
  16. No Marksman the Tasco arrived in the post and the box was all smashed and dented. When Chris tried to zero it the left / right turret wouldnt zero so he had to send it back. I use a Tasco, Gary uses one and now so does Joey. They are mint scopes mate. Si Yes Chris i know that you offered mate, i just didnt want you driving all the way up to miss out on shooting pal Si
  17. Nice post Bedrock I defo need this LOL Si
  18. Yeah Chris / Joey LOL, I am defo up for a bunny bashing session on Thursday We need to rotate the driving if possible though this time so that i can sit in the back seat and film the action for a bit. I need some more wonder shots for my DVD I might even bring the R10 with me to pop a few if one of you dont mind filming me. Si
  19. Thanks for all the interest people. I promise that you wont be dissapointed with the finished DVD. What you have sampled there is hardly anything compared to the rest of what ive filmed . Mates rates, whats mates rates? This is a bussiness LOL Si
  20. Cheers Rabbit, Thank you for the kind comment :dance: You get one for free Rabbit LOL Zini
  21. No problems Gary, ill wait for your call Si
  22. The R10 is a deadly bit of kit Gary im well impressed with what BSA have engineered there. Its highly recommended by me to anyone who wants a accurate consistant hunting rifle with a large amount of full power shots. My mate at work has just bought one too, he had a peek at mine 2 weeks ago and must of liked it. He says he loves his BSA R10 and he gets small cluster size groups at his shooting distance every time he shoots it on paper. Dont worry about running out of vermin mate. I think that there is still plenty kicking about up here. I went and had a look at another place today
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