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Everything posted by zini

  1. Hey Sweeney, No one is perfect mate Ill defo add you to my DVD order sheet mate. Zini
  2. Cheers for the compliments Marksman. Yes mate you will have to come down here with the ferrets to sort that new permission out. Then sets are easier to get to now mate as the grass as died down some what. The place is wild with bunnies there. I still haven’t been to shoot on it yet mate. So all those bunnies we seen last time in the wind are still there for the taking. Si
  3. Hi all cheers for the comments and support. Yes Zak the DVD is full of action like you have just seen. I think that now ive gotten rid of some of the less than perfect footage and re-shot some quality new action, plus re edited areas the video is as good as the best shooting video out there or even better. My video is all about getting up close and personal with the quarry and then whacking it. Ive also just added on request, plucking and breasting wood pigeon for table preparation. Im just finalising the rat trapping for the keeper part and then im going to shoot a few more b
  4. Hi all, Here is my post from today’s drive and shoot from around my permission. 3 squizzers all shot with nice head shots . The first one was sat enjoying a nut half way up a tree before a 16 grain FX gave him a headache and he went for a very long nap . The second one was just chilling out next to a tree just looking through the leaf litter. He ate something that didn’t taste too good and keeled over with a sore head . The third one was just happily chilling out on the grass before he too fell ill and keeled over for some strange reason. I hope you enjoy the
  5. Cheer Phantom I wouldnt go that far mate I actually said to myself that if i shoot it i will either miss closely by a couple of inches or by a mile. I never really thought that id hit it like i did . I was more trying to please my young son and keep him quiet. It gives me good confidence in the R10 though mate over distance and it was a great proof shot for that range in the future when a bunny thinks he is safe Si
  6. Hi Sib, Well it would be unfair of me to comment on how the R10 fairs up against the HW100 as i have never fired one myself. I have read many great things about them though, so i think that they are top quality rifles and accurate as hell by all accounts. I have used a AAS510 though and shot it in a speed trial. They are nice guns to, but the R10 beats it for me easily. You need to shoot a R10 really to appreciate the rifle. The balance of them and ease of use it something else. The accuracy of the rifle is just amazing, careful and slowly aimed shots while in a zero range with the cor
  7. Thanks guys for the comments. Nice to see that you have been converted to a BSA Super 10 Wuzzy That new gun will definitely ramp up the kill rate I promise you mate. There mega rifles and I bet you cant wait to get out with it can you pal? Yes Sweeney I have seen and read the article in next months Airgun World mate. I agree with it whole heartedly. The guns are deadly accurate. I just wished I could shoot it as accurate as it is possible to shoot. I think if more regulars on here got a shot of the new R10 there would be a few more bought and used on this sight. Its definitely
  8. Hi all, The site seems to have gone really quiet just lately. Is noone shooting at the moment or what? I got this Jay this morning while out with the R10 stalking . It was a pretty simple 25 metre shot. I didnt get time to video it as it was just about to fly off so i had to get the shot off quick . I opted for a heart shot as the birds head was moving up and down alot. The shot was placed perfectly and down went the murdering jay . I wonder how many points that would of been worth if i was entered into the competition? Zini
  9. Nice shooting there Davy mate. Shame about the stock on the AAS410K. At least your barrel is ok. Ive got to get myself a .177 calibre gun again. I miss that flat trajectory. Im after getting a .177 FX Vermineator with a HW silencer. Ill put a small tasco 2-6x32 with mil dot on it and then ive got a ace night time rabbit bashing gun from my car. Small, accurate, and easy to move about in the car. Zini
  10. Cheers guys for the kind comments. If the weather is ok tomorrow me, Dylan and zin are going squizzer bashing up at the mansion. Zin cant wait to get his fix of squizzer meat Si
  11. No Daryl mate, That was 1 rabbit i shot myself before i met the lads on the permission where i lamped for Gary and he shot 2 or 3 and the rest was on the old permission mate. To let you the honest truth mate we didnt go behind the old mansion or the huge cow field behind that. We just stuck to the roads. We never got out the car unless we needed to retrieve a bunny or find one that we had shot and was in the under growth. I think there must of been another 4 to 5 that we nailed but couldnt find due to the undergrowth. Gutted i was. I hit one at 30 metres and it jumped 3 foot in the
  12. Thanks Davy mate. Thats funny 77Si. Zini
  13. Hi guys, I got up this morning after last nights lamping session with the lads and felt like another shoot. Ive stripped the bipod off and sling and removed the SAK silener to try and lighten the gun and make it shorter as i found it hard to move around safely in the car last night. The gun is louder now only using the standard shrouded barrel of the R10 but still quieter than with no silencer at all. The gun now feels better and lighter and looks better too. I got the R10 out and video camera and set off to see what was about. Luckily for me i got a squizzer sat at a m
  14. Hi all, Here is a quick post from last nights lamping session with my good pals Reggaeman and Wuzzy. We met up last night when it got dark at our usual meeting place. We went for a quick check zero to ensure all the combos were knocking 10 spots out at 30 metres. I drove the car first while Reggaeman and Wuzzy knocked a few bunnies over with their usual pin point accuracy. This went on until Wuzzy had shot 2 and Reggaeman 2. Wuzzy then kindly volunteered to drive and let me get out the old faithful R10 . This kindness carried on through the rest of yesterday night and into the
  15. Atuddy, Im so so to hear that mate. If that happened to me and my terrier passed away i think id die myself mate. I wish you all the best friend and i hope that the time you had with him was full of joy. Takecare Zini
  16. Nice write up Whippet, I also agree, the HW looks super cool. The BSA R10, FX Vermineator, HW 100T, BSA Ultra, Theoben SType and FX Royal 400 are among my favourite hunting rifles. Best of luck in the future Zini.
  17. Hi guys, I thought that I’d just put this quick video up for you to have a look at. I was out again with my trusty BSA R10 when this rook thought that he would gate crash my permission and pop in for some tasty worms. I informed him that he needed to have phoned up and booked in advance. He was obviously not on the guest list. I informed him that the only thing that was left was a table for one and a FX 16 grain lead head pie. He accepted and ordered, so was accommodated accordingly. Here the link to the action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncBFK90Fi1g
  18. Hi guys thanks for all the kind comments about the shooting. Yes Gary, Ive been really busy mate. I was in York one weekend and then London all last week with my work. If the weather behaves itself I hopefully will get some shooting in this weekend and some more good footage for the DVD. Its almost finished now. In regards to other questions, I keep my camera still by static hunting most of the time friend. I spend time looking at a area where the quarry congregate and then set up on a tripod and wait for the animal to show up. I also have made a bracket that fits on my car win
  19. Hi guys, I managed to get half hours shooting today before work started. This rook was feeling quite brave sitting at about 30 metres. There was a huge wind from left to right which required 2 mil dots right hand side to ensure a perfect brain shot. I captured the shot on video camera, and it has been added to my DVD. Here is the link to the footage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g-BBGAFNtk I also was lucky enough to acquired another 660 aches of permission yesterday 25 minutes from my home. It belongs to an old man who is the father to my boss. He doesnt farm on it a
  20. Well done as always Davy. Zini
  21. Well done Nathgoon friend, I look forward to reading your write ups and seeing your shot quarry. All the best Zini
  22. Your as quick as ever Davy Yes Craig an air rifle is very effective against rabbits. Put a good air rifle from a good manufacturer in the right person’s hands and you will be able to extend the 45 yards already quoted on her out to 55 yards. I know a few lads on here who regularly shoot bunnies out to 55 yards with their air rifles. Zini
  23. The gun is brilliant mate. My friend on here Festa has one and ive used it myself. They are whisper quiet and silky smooth. They will take vermin all day and are very consistant. I would defo reccommend them Zini
  24. Brilliant write up Gary mate. Marksman i think Gary is trying to tell you to buy some wellies Mint bag lads well done Si
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