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Everything posted by zini

  1. Guys, Thanks for your support as mates but as Chimp as already stated we are good now and have spoken on the phone and sorted out our problems voice to voice so to speak . There was a mis understanding on both our parts that a good chat as sorted and put to bed. Please let it go now lads and don’t put fuel to the fire. Please don’t be sarcastic or rude to Chimp and he won’t to us. I just want to be Zini again and enjoy reading the posts and hope that you enjoy my posts in return. Zini
  2. Edited to stop hard feelings
  3. edited to stop hard feeling
  4. Wicked Tony mate and full respect to you, I'll definitely be coming down for a visit in the Spring then Tony. Cheers pal I look forward to that already. I’m sure my favourite rifle will want to accompany me too. “My trust R10â€. Maybe we should organise a Spring get together for all the regulars on here somewhere to meet up for a few beers on a night and then a serious vermin cull the next day followed by a lamping session at the night? Tents will be the order of the day and as it will be Spring the weather should be good. Anyone up for it? I’m happy to hos
  5. Yep I agree Logun 100%, I think it better Black Lab if you edited the post friend as what you have written is very very very naughty. Some regulars on here will not like reading what you have written and you may find that some of them will be very offended and report you to the mods on here. This is just friendly advice mate so you can either take it or leave it, but I suggest that you take it. Shooting foxes with a sub 12 FP rifle is not on and should not be done. Not even by the best shot in the world. What’s worst is you then admitted to us all that it didn’t kill th
  6. Good on you Chris mate Good job you removed it before school was out LOL My Dylan would of been wanting to know what the hairy caterpillars were doing sat on the ladies knees LOL
  7. Will do Tony mate. The subtitles will be added :LOL Flipping hell Chris where did you dig that picture up from? You been on holiday to Sweden Pity that none of them are as fit as someone i know If you know who i mean mate Zini
  8. Will do Chris mate No problems Zak i understand its a bad time to release with Christmas coming up on everyone Zini
  9. It sure is mate Any footage shown now by me will be on next years DVD Zini
  10. Hi guys, Here is just a bit of footage that I shot a few days ago with the Weihrauch HW100KT. It’s only a small clip. I hope that you enjoy it. I’m going to have a patrol around the permission at work today and see what else is about. I think that I’m going to give the 100KT another run out . Here is the link to the footage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBKwfjMpG_4 Regards Zini.
  11. Hard luck friend, I'm sure next time that the corvids will be jumping onto the end of you silencer Si
  12. LOL No hard feelings "old Man" Zini.
  13. Hi Moocher, I have never used a Rapid 7 myself before just saw a mate shooting with one and he really liked it and said it was the best gun he had owned. That in mind it was in about 2002 and before alot of the newer PCP's had come out. I have just purchased a Weihrauch HW100KT myself about 2 weeks ago and i find them very accurate, very very quiet and very easy to use. Its the quietest rifle that Ive ever owned infact and the muzzle report can only been disribed as pathetic and not worth the effort to make any noise. I have shot it and tested it quite alot since its purchase a
  14. Nice one Davy mate Its good to talk and spread the good word around. Send us an update when you get it sorted Chris buddy. Si
  15. Thanks you for the comments about myself and the lads Davy mate Your a real star Si
  16. I was just playing around at work Chris on the internet and thought id try a different picture. I wanted to annoy you and obviously it worked I wanted something gay like a cartoon character smoking a joint and lighting it with a stick of dinamite Ill change it now to something better . Si out.
  17. My oh my, Mr Reggaeman that is a dam fine looking rifle that you have there friend Where ever did you get that from? I bet that will bag a few bunnies and squizzers. Next time you come up to Catterick I will need it to shoot some of these bloody big spiders that we have Personal joke guys. Zini
  18. Cheers Darryl and Chris I hope that now things will settle down. Just wanted you to know that i value my friends very highly and my loyalty to you all is of the utmost. Si
  19. Chimp, Lets be adults about this my good friend, I don’t want to continue this thread anymore with you. To be honest with you it’s boring the pants off me arguing with you and kind of childish from us both don’t you think? I don’t really care if you were the main actor in Stalingrad the movie and can shoot like Vasily Zaitsev himself. It as no effect on me and my life what so ever pal, as I have no effect on yours. Everyone has the right to an opinion that I understand. You have voiced yours and I have voiced mine. Let’s now let it drop before one of us gets
  20. Cheers Mas, The rifle looks a handy piece of equipment mate. How many full power shots do you get out of a fill? Zini
  21. Cheers Mas, The rifle looks a handy piece of equipment mate. How many full power shots do you get out of a fill? Zini
  22. Hi Logun, With you coming from Wales and me knowing that there are alot of Pine Martins there as witnessed by myself when there on holiday i would say that the problem that you are having is with them mate. I lived in Germany for many years and we had the same problem with them there. The Germans call them Stein Marder (excuse the spelling) but they cause many problems in the Winter when they crawl under car bonnets to stay warm at night after hunting. They love cables and fuel pipes. Zini
  23. I aggree with Marksman here Mortsi. I own a Deben Tracer max and have purchased a dimmer switch for it and red filter. It works a dream and it has accounted for quite a few bunnies already when out with the lads. There are other good lamps out there but like Tony says it depends on how much money you want to spend. Zini
  24. Good look Tony pal, What you taking pal the springer or the PCP? When do i get an invite down to have a crack at then East Yorkshire bunnies with you Si
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