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Everything posted by zini

  1. Nice pictures and good shooting mate Zini
  2. Davy, Yes mate i do like the R10 more mate. To be honest i find it a better rifle. The HW100KT is still top class though Its down to personel choice really i think. All my rifles are in .22 calibre mate. I find that i can shoot .22 just as good as a .177 mate with alot of luck from heaven Si
  3. Hi Solo, The DVD comes in either a plastic sheath for £10.99 or a nice hard copy DVD case all printed for £13.99. I do accept the following payment: PayPal Registered cash Postal orders If you are interested email me at simonpittaway@yahoo.com with your postal address and option choice and ill give you more direction mate . Regards Zini. Davy cheers pal Ill get some pictures today when out with Reggaeman and Wuzzy. Its nothing fantastic really mate and more or a work around to hold the camera. Zini
  4. Thanks for all the positive comments people . Sorry Tony mate, you need to download them drivers quickly or get a new sound card No not a industrial estate mate but an old RAF air base. Yes Chriso my newly released DVD does cover tips and techniques in shooting and trapping, ferreting and game preparation, equipment and setting up equipment. I don’t bother with the crap that some DVD's show. My DVD gets you up close and personnel with the quarry. No problems John, just give me a shout when you have some spare money pal Cheers Solo mate, I have been practicing my mar
  5. Merry Christmas mate and welcome back. Zini
  6. Hi Luke, Ive PM-ed you back mate with the info you requested pal. Good shooting pal but next time dont forget your camera and what Weihrauch you refering to pal? Zini
  7. Cheers Kev , I'm glad that it didn’t disappoint you friend. Please let me know how you get on with the Air Arms TX200 Si
  8. Hi all, Here is another small post to give you something to read and watch as the forum seems pretty quiet at the moment. I decided to take out my old trusty today for an hour (BSA R10) to give her a shoot . The weather was pretty foggy but a few bits were out . The first shot was on a squizzer sat at 27 metres. It was standing really still thinking that I couldn’t see it. I placed the cross hair .5 of a mil dot hold under and bowled him over with a head shot . The second shot was on a woody sat in a tree with his mate. I lased the woody and found it to be sat b
  9. Thanks Rick , Ive got alot of different permissions Rick and yes one is on a military base. You seen very observant mate have you ever served? Zini
  10. Chriso, Some times when its calm is the best time to shoot rabbits or birds Firstly you get the chance to finely tune your combo onto the cross hair at you zero range and secondly, static hunting over a warren is ideal in calm conditions . If you arrive half hour before the rabbits come out and your sat in you camo gear with your combo ready and its silenced you can quite often get more bunnies than you would if you were stalking mate . Zini.
  11. Donny, Ive seen a Hogan Decimeator used on a BSA Ultra mate and it was whisper quiet. Reggaeman on here used to have one fitted. You wouldnt think it was the same gun. Zini
  12. I hope so Ferrett and wish you all the best friend I had the same problem with my new FX Verminator (leaking) but Gilsan Sports in Richmond are all top blokes and sorted it all out for me in about 3 days. They got my £800 back from Deben and i purchased the HW100KT that same day. Best wishes Si
  13. Hi Mr.BSA, If you dont want to spend a lot but want a good scope go onto EBay and search for this: Tasco 6-24x50 mil dot The scope comes with Illume and AO as standard. The AO means adjustable objective lense so the paralex can be reduced and the Ill is a red and green mil dot system. They come from Hong Kong and it costs about £40 with postage. I have used one on my BSA R10 since i owned it and i have had some good results shootong vermin with it. Regards Zini
  14. Hi thanks guys The R10 and the Weihrauch are both excellent rifles mate but in my own experience the R10 is the far superior rifle. The weight, feel and the fantastic regulator on the R10 giving 180 full power shots in .22 calibre do it for me. Accuracy wise they are both the same and can shoot drawing pins easily at 30 metres, but none of them are as accurate as the FX Verminator was. Mindya saying that the FX was in .177. That gun accuracy wise was something else, pity the bloody thing leaked on me. Some people may like the lighter, quieter HW100KT more its just down to ow
  15. Nice shooting and good write up Davy. The HW100T is looking awesome mate. The camo job looks the dogs I'm thinking of taking out my old trusty this afternoon for a play All the best Si
  16. Cool Tony is it a PCP or springer? I cant quite make it out . Yes still on at the moment Chris mate Yes i remember that shot mate very well Festa was with us too. It flew up into that oak tree and then fell straight out after 20 seconds stone dead. Im starting to think now Chris that the neck shot on birds are not that good as they seem to go straight through and the quarry seems to fly a little before realising its shot and a dead bird. Im going to experiment tomorrow pal with a few 50 metre head shots and heart shots to see if there is a difference. Im sure there will be
  17. Cheers Tony The terrier has no "snooker balls" mate so I don’t think he is frustrated He just loves to rip up my bunnies and squizzers any chance he gets . I like the new photo Tony. Si
  18. Just got to get more lads interested Zak Zini
  19. Cheers Davy pal I wish you look mate. Si
  20. Hi guys, Here is a quick post from today’s shooting session. I decided to have a drive around the permission before work today for an hour. The corvids were out in force this morning and so was the HW100KT . I managed to get some good footage for the next DVD. I’ve decided to change the name of the next DVD to “Pure Air Rifle Huntingâ€. My boss was well pleased with the mixed bag that I shot. “He hates corvids with a passionâ€. I had to keep the quarry in the boot of my car all day as I forgot my camera and needed to take them home to get the photo. As
  21. The Ultra by far mate. Ive seen it in action and for accuracy and handling you wont get a better rifle anywhere for the price you are paying. It matches my R10 and HW100KT for accuracy no problems and its about £390 cheaper than a R10 and £500 cheaper than a HW100KT. Buy one mate you wont go wrong but i suggest you change the silencer as they are not up to much and another brand makes it really really quiet. Zini
  22. Zak, I use one with a dimmer unit and red filter they are very good pal. Highly recommended You will need to get a 10 or 12 Amp Hour capacitor battery to get any real use out of them unless you have a dimmer switch mate. If you use the standard battery then i advice that you use another lamp as a scanning lamp on the rabbits and then the tracer to make the shot only, this way the battery will last a nights lamping. Normally scanning and shooting you will get about 40 mins constant use on a standard battery. I hope this helps Zini
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