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Everything posted by zini

  1. HW100Sniper, Please tell me that you are just kidding with me friend The person in the picture is me and I'm 37 so yes a little older than a 9 years old mate Cheers Sib, i think that i might take tomorrow off Zini
  2. Cheers Zak and Marksman I really needed my fix Si
  3. Hi everybody, I decided to take out my youngest lad out for a bit of shooting on one of my permissions this afternoon for a couple of hours. The plan was to drive around in the car with the video camera and my favourite rifle, my .22 calibre BSA R10 mark 2 and see what was about to shoot . Due to the deep snow we could only stay on the metal roads and not go on any tracks as we didn’t want to get stuck . Because the lack of people where I shoot due of the time of year, and them all being on holiday I had the free run of the area . The pigeons, doves and corvids wer
  4. Cheers guys Yes Rabbit you know Zin well Zini
  5. Yes Sporting Shooter fill your boots mate. If it helps some others I'm happy too Zini
  6. Look at the after care to customers and services of BSA and Theoben and there you will find your answer pal. I doubt you will find a better service than with BSA. I know that people have slated Theoben for their poor after care. Accuracy wise you wont be able to tell the difference if you have the right pellet for each rifle. They both will out shoot you or the best shot you know. The vortex silencer will be quieter than the standard shrouded barrel of the R10 but for an added £33 you can fit a SAK silencer straight onto the R10 with makes it very quiet. I know as i use one on my
  7. Nice shooting pal Keep up the good work Zini
  8. Hi all, I decided to brave the deep snow this morning and take my 9 year old Dylan and my terrier Zini out with the Weihrauch on a local permission to see if there was any feather about. Not 2 minutes into the permission and I spotted a collared dove sat in a fir tree. It was a 25 metre shot from the standing position as there weren’t any posts or other trees to lean on. I gave it half a mil dot hold under on its heart and squeezed the trigger watching it fall straight out the tree without a twitch . The second shot came on the way back when I spotted a woody yet agai
  9. Hi Sib, As requested pal, I hope this helps some Si How a laser works as a range finder.doc Mil Dot Trajectory Chart.doc Rifle and scope easy guide.doc
  10. The rifles are defo worth 10 out of 10 mate They are as good as the best rifles out there without a doubt Zini
  11. Thats good news Kev mate. Now that the springer is all tuned and the scope is fixed i should imagine that you will be doing some damage on them bunnies. Si
  12. No there are still foxs up here Shane mate. My boss wants rid of them as soon as possible. After New Year you will have to come up with the dogs for a day. Si
  13. Cheers Joey mate Merry Christmas pal to you and Chris Si
  14. Hi Hunter08 , Sorry mate that i have to disagree with Southern pal. I own a BSA R10 mark 2 and a brand new Weihrauch HW100KT both in .22 calibre. Even though the HW100KT is a absolute fabulous rifle, one of the better rifles ive ever used i still find my BSA R10 much better for me . If i am going out for a shoot the R10 is always my first choice, unless im out lamping from a car, where the HW100KT is smaller and easier to move around in small spaces. The regulator is great on the R10 and the accuracy is just as good as the HW100KT. I cant say which rifle is the most ac
  15. Hi there, Great news that you are getting your first air rifle for Christmas. Welcome to the sport. My advice to you is try and practice as much as possible on paper targets before you go out shooting live animals. Even a rat deserves a quick humane death, so practice until you can hit a rats head size target at say 10 metres before you extend your range. Try and get your own permission mate from someone that you and you dad knows well. Both you and your dad can enjoy that permission together. Dont trust strangers on the internet friend as not everyone is who they try to ma
  16. Hi Moore , Have you ever watched any of the Fred Carter Country Classic DVD's? Spring time pest control or 24 hour rabbit raid are both very good DVD's where you will see a pest controller called Fred Carter using a Air Arms Pro Elite rifle set at sub 12 FP. The rifle seems a very good break barrel rifle. I cant say that i have ever used one but i know people that have and rate them highly for accuracy and their trigger. Best wishes Zini
  17. Nice bag Rifleman Where are you from with nice clear weather like that? Zini
  18. Nice shooting Davy pal The snow up here is far too deep at the moment to get out Im starting to feel the need for a outing with the R10. I dont know where the maggies and crows have gone. Not one in the trees in my garden Hopefully in a few days time ill be able to get out and get a nice mixed bag. Si
  19. Hard luck mate Its nights like that, that a warm cup of Gluwein and a mince pie is better appreiciated. Zini
  20. Congrats Ferretville I look forward to reading some good threads as soon as this flipping snow clears up. Zini
  21. Nice write up pal and picture Zini
  22. Well done mate And welcome to our sport Zini
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