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Everything posted by Cornio

  1. I've called my new Jill 'Chewy' due to the state she left my fingers in when I first got her.
  2. Probably not a good idea if they are Gypsies. You scared of travellers then fella? Not really, Let's just say I wouldn't want to start anything with them.
  3. Probably not a good idea if they are Gypsies.
  4. I guarantee you it was a Badger. The noise they make when charging around makes them sound a lot bigger than what they are.
  6. 10mm laceration across my left eyeball, cutting the lens, cornea and iris. Severed artery in left leg from falling glass pane. Broken left collar bone, diving off a slide head first. My other side is all right.
  7. Getting better now. She's on a meat diet and I've put one of my hobs in with her. He's very calm and well behaved and it seems to be rubbing off on her. Leading by example maybe. I pick him up and stroke him and she seems to be watching this, then I pick her up and she's only doing the odd nip now.
  8. That has got to be the winner for me. Excellent.
  9. Good advice folks, I'll try her on the meat and see how it goes. It's nice to have some trusted advice
  10. She's on dry. Theres your problem , get some flesh down her bugger the dry food she can pick at that as she pleases , but get some meat in her & you will notice the difference in days Not knocking dry food but kits fare better on meat imo & there a dam sight easier handling once they have a belly full of meat in them Okay cheers Kay, I'll give that a go. Should I still "attempt" to handle her in the meantime? It's damn near impossible at the moment. I'm wondering if she's anxious about her new environment and maybe she's on the defensive. let her feast o
  11. She's on dry. Theres your problem , get some flesh down her bugger the dry food she can pick at that as she pleases , but get some meat in her & you will notice the difference in days Not knocking dry food but kits fare better on meat imo & there a dam sight easier handling once they have a belly full of meat in them Okay cheers Kay, I'll give that a go. Should I still "attempt" to handle her in the meantime? It's damn near impossible at the moment. I'm wondering if she's anxious about her new environment and maybe she's on the defensive.
  12. Would washing up liquid work? Or is that too harsh?
  13. She's a young 'un Stub, one of this years. Near on full size though. Hobs are just over 2 years old, placid as anything.
  14. Got a new Jill recently and have two issues. 1) She won't be handled and it's not a 'playful' nip, she's fully latching on. I can put my hand to the cage and she just sniffs it, if I put my hand in the cage, even slowly, she strikes out. If I do manage to pick her up, she is constantly wriggling and trying to bite. How can she be handled regularly if you can't even get your hand in there in the first place? She really doesn't like being picked up. 2) The other issue is introducing her to my 2 hobs. I fed the hobs (they had their noses in the food bowl) so I put her in and let h
  15. Highway To Hell - AC/DC. In fact, anything by AC/DC.
  16. Have you named him yet? You've just got to call him Isiah.
  17. Like I said earlier, why not just wave a signed permission slip under their noses? Job done, argument over.
  18. She probably just needs a good shagging, maybe that would calm her down a bit. Matey behind the camera doesn't seem like he's man enough for the job.
  19. Don't think anyone's mentioned this yet; Maybe this is a perfect example of why we should try to carry permission slips with us. I know I don't always do it, but it now seems like a good reason to do so. If they had waved a signed piece of paper from the landowner under those twunts noses, they wouldn't have anything more to say. I'm sure there must be downloadable forms on the internet somewhere.
  20. I'd say 'Wont' Have a look at this page here http://www.englishforums.com/English/Newbi.../hkhdc/post.htm Variations seem to go up and down the country.
  21. If you can't help someone, don't hinder them.
  22. Lol yeah, I took mine down the beach because they like playing around in the cliffs and someone said it was illegal to keep wild animals. I said that they weren't and she said "I know a lot about wildlife and squirrels are wild creatures" I nearly pissed myself.
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