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Everything posted by Cornio

  1. Where do you get your carbohydrates from?
  2. As described in title, quality rifle with bag and scope. Sale forced due to impending birth of little 'un. £150 cash accepted. Face to face trade. No under 18's.
  3. instead of giving them cold water give them warm water Hot water freezes quicker than cold water, so you're actually better off putting cold water into the bottle. It's called the Mpemba effect.
  4. It doesn't come with a bottle but has a silencer and scope and has had a full service by Webley a month ago and not been used since.
  5. I've been offered a .22 Webley Raider PCP single shot. Does anyone have any knowledge of these? Are they any good and is there anything I should look out for before buying? I've never owned a PCP before so don't know much about them. Cheers in advance.
  6. Genius! Any chance you'd mind starting up another thread with some pics of it?
  7. Is that a plastic toolbox in that photo which has been adapted? I like it.
  8. You've answered your own question. Cost.
  9. Very good price. Mind you, I went in Waitrose the other day and half a rabbits worth of meat was £3.99 so a whole one would be nearly 8 quid WTF?
  10. I've never shoed a horse, but I did tell a donkey to f*** off once.
  11. I can never understand why anyone would want to steal a ferret, they don't cost the earth and there are plenty available. It's certainly not nice that someone is lurking around in the garden of a woman and child on their own.
  12. Is it true that the people of Dover aren't allowed to have fireworks because the French might try to surrender if someone lets a rocket off?
  13. They'll climb chicken wire with ease, use a lid that can be weighted or locked down. If there's a way out they'll find it, as I've found out a few times.
  14. Cornio


    Can't see them selling much soap to the crusties.
  15. Cornio


    Magners? WTF? It's the devil's brew. Forget all the trendy BS and putting it on ice, just head straight for the Old Rosie. I dare you to do 4 pints and try and lie down without holding on.
  16. To be fair, some of the spelling and grammar on this forum makes me feel dirty just by reading it.
  17. http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/sharkbait.asp This is a bit more of a level-headed slant on it before everyone kicks off.
  18. Spoke to a good old boy last week and he used to use a length of bramble down the hole.
  19. Put it down to a bad experience and lack of knowledge, just don't let it happen again. Stick with this forum, ask questions and learn - there's some great knowledgeable folk on here who are more than happy to give advice and they've certainly helped me.
  20. PMSL She's a slippery character for sure.
  21. She's back, turned up again at exactly same time and same place. Put her back in the shed and found an 1" wide x 10" long gap where the sliding entry flap is (it used to be a chicken shed). I had previously jammed it all up with sticks, but it seems she must have picked them all out or something. I've put bricks underneath and wedges in the top now. She was still there this morning, so it must have worked.
  22. Well, it's good news and bad. Got her back last night, she ended up in the neighbour's kitchen attacking unshod feet. Put her back in the shed with a nice big slab of meat - she was quite hungry. Came down this morning and it appears that the shed has a leak, she's gone again! I'm pretty confident I'll get her back tonight, I'll just sit outside around half 6 'till it gets dark and then I'll plug any holes I find in the shed. Bloody Houdini!
  23. Yep, there isn't much for her to eat in the immediate area unless it's food I put out, problem is I'll be attracting the badgers and foxes too.
  24. I'm going to do a proper sweep of the area tonight. Problem is, with the woods, hedges, fields and the farm buildings, it's not going to be easy finding her. Think I'll try a 30m radius from the shed and work inwards to start with.
  25. Came home yesterday evening to find that my Poley and my new Jill weren't in their shed. The other Hob was still in there oddly enough. I can't see how they could've escaped though, I reckon they were let out. Luckily, I found the Poley straight away, I think he knows the sound of my car and also the sound of the food bag when I rattle it. The new Jill was nowhere to be seen and it was getting dark and my torch was broke, so I just put a spare cage out on the grass and put some food in it. Came down this morning and nothing there, food uneaten. I'm wondering what chance she'll have of s
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