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Everything posted by Mat

  1. I no the vet is a good idea i just did not want to rush her ther on a weekend for them to tell me she had a upset stomach then give me a masive bill. She is drinking i thort about just giving her some boiled rice for tea. But thanks for all the replys
  2. I have got a 9 year old springer she started yesterday buy not been her self. Today her nose is driping and she has been sick about 4 times. I have not changed her diet in any way. Can any body give me a idea as to what is matter with her. Thank's
  3. I got my materials frm the ferret box co at york mate cheep as well.
  4. I would suggest using silks as there are some of the best broody hens, you can put them in a box with some eggs and within a few hours they will sit on them and rear the chicks for you. A lot of old gamekeepers use to use them before incubators became more common.
  5. I got a double bow back from the ferret box co on monday it is a really nice box really light and well made. This is the kids number give him a ring 07900 096358 his name is mark really helpfull guy. He will post one to you if you dont want to use ebay
  6. You can work it out by the 4z,6z,8z,10z,12z, this dose not mean the weight of the net but what the braking strain of the net will be e.g 4z net will brak at about 40lb 6z net will break at 60lb and so on. So this should give you a clue as to how thick the matereal will be.
  7. Just made my first net last night with a few lessons of "The Ferret Tamer" just like to say thank you for all his help and for making it a lot easyer to understand,Once i have got use to making them i should be a bit faster. But what great fun it is lerning a new skill like this.
  8. Thanks for the advice lads i will have to find some lads in the area to go out with and as brock 1 says have a look what dog dose suits my needs best.
  9. Hi there all i am looking at getting a lurcher and would like to no what is the best breed for all round work. Any info would be great PM if you want. Thanks Lads
  10. I really thort tonight was great, they even said use ferreting people are called (specialist keepers) i really like that bit. That F*****g blond bird what a sily cow. They are not doing any harm to the land what planet is she on some one should have broke her neck. They should get proper people on this program who can hunt.
  11. On wednesday night on BBC3 at 10pm they are doing a program about killing,cooking and eating wild rabbits. I have just watched the one tonight about ducks. Some of the people on the program wher right wimps. But just thort i would let you lads and lasses no. And we can see what all happens
  12. I feed my ferret on alph ferret feast and i think its cheap at £11.00 a bag for 10kg, like Kay says you have got to feed the right stuff you would not feed your dog lettice because its cheaper then dog food would you.
  13. Well we did not get any rabbits but really had a great day out, lets hope next time we get a few
  14. Thanks lads i really carnt wait to go its better then waiting for xmass, lets just hope i get a few as well
  15. Going out on boxing day morning for my first time ferreting and i carnt wait, will let you all no how i get on
  16. Mat


    Why is my gill filling her tunnel with shavings and sleeping in there for
  17. Mat


    Thanks for all the info just been and put a old jumper of mine in that should keep her warm and i am hopefully going to get another ferret in the next few weeks so they will be able to keep each other warm then.
  18. I am using straw at the min and wanted to no if there is any better types on the market, My ferret lives in my garage just want to make sure she will be warm.
  19. Just want to say a big thanks to Netter and Carlbell for there input and for Carlbell offering to take me out next week some time carnt wait. Thank you very much lads
  20. Save the extra money and go for delkims they are the best work fine in the wet i have had mine for over 6 years and still never had a problem
  21. I feed mine on alpha ferret food only £11.50 for 10KG i think thats a good deal and about the same price as cat biscuits.
  22. Hi there all just a quick quistion but how many nets should you have and do you need gate nets and long nets as well.
  23. Sorry carlbell not been in touch not had chance to get on the net to reply to you, i have sent you a PM with my number
  24. Have you sean some of the other vids he has on youtube, this kid is a total d**k head
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