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game dogs

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Everything posted by game dogs

  1. as he got a good head on him mate intrested
  2. fricking hell smith fields iv shit them there not worth a bag of cola cubes those things they jack on walkin on grass never mind tackeling some quarry hahaha and the names game dogs pal alright!!!!!!!!
  3. what are they any good for apart from moping the floor with bags of shit
  4. get a right dog not something that barks at its own shadow so what work as the mother done then
  5. you would have to shoot them because them jacker you have3 got there cant kill daisys when there treding on them lol jackers haha
  6. never seen any work in the field couldnt catch a toad
  7. cheap car that mate good luck with the sale :thumbs:
  8. 30 foxes with what??? :D :rofl:
  9. :piggy:what silly fat lads that then :piggy:
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