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flying ferreter

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Everything posted by flying ferreter

  1. Got me there! dunno, possibly fall off after full feeding? or stay on till knocked off or die?
  2. Cheers maty, been bugging me for bloody months!
  3. Its got to come out for air, safest way, if your not sure about leaving its head inside, carefull with it what ever way you do it cos its attatched to the worlds greatest wriggler!
  4. Hi guy's & gall's, excuse my ignoance, but in many replies to postings the person will write lol in the sentance. For the benefit of the thick, please could someone elaborate what the hell lol means!!!!!!!!!!!!! still can't get me head around it Many thanks & merry Christmas to you all
  5. Hi mate, my vet told me use vasaline to cover the tick, you will cut off its oxygen supply and it should fall off. Won't harm the fert. Best go to the vets this week for the pair of ATOM picks! Hope this was fast enough for ya!
  6. Yeah, My jill had two from here first outing and an experience for us both. My vet sold me a pack of two hooks for about £3 to £4 to deal with a variety of tick sizes, and it work so quick and easy. The product is o'tom look at www.otom.com for more info. Please watch yourselves with ticks at the moment, the shooting media have reported an increase of the tick count this year. My mate accidentally / unknowingly knocked a tick off his leg and is crapping it at the moment, for they carry Lime's disease and hospitalization can follow. ( for those of you who are not aware )
  7. Twat!!!!!!! And he's stupid enough to show us all, what a TWAT he is on the Web in public. Bit of an animal cruelty vid, not good. Nice to see we're all professional about how we RESPECT our quarry as wriiten on this forum and share the same views on this prick. Keep up the good work. FF
  8. Welcome to the club chap, many years of safe shooting awaits. Enjoy
  9. Go to a Maplin Superstore, cheap as anywhere and a good selection. Look online at www.maplin.com or co.uk and order them by post, just got a pair for my Mk3 collar. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi whippeter69, I loved it but found shot placement (like any .410) had to be 'bob on' to guarantee a clean kill. I did wound a few birds with it but soon got to grips with it. Didn't bother too much with the 2" fourten shell from eley, found the fourlong shell to be a good compromise between sound suppression and having enough lead in the air.The 3" eley extralong in subsonic was ok but the full speed 3" was a lot better but louder, cant have it all eh? Did have a tripple whammy with 3 adult crows in 5 seconds without having to reload, so that was a proud moment with the Mozzy. Got the s
  11. Hi whippeter69 heres athe only pikky I've got showing the view to my killing tree! plenty of jackdaws have slipped the branches of this one. !!!!! This is my first go at uploading a picture so if it does'nt appear don't bother getting excited.
  12. Yeah, gun fit IS more important but a different subject mate. A personal recommendation would be an over and under action for a first gun, primarily for getting familiar with having a live weapon out in the field. Very easy to prove to yourself it is safe and not hiding a shell. Very important for a beginner and just as productive in the field. A semi or pump will have up to 3 shells hiding in the action or chamber and we all know how much there is to learn when starting out / and forget although many go this rout first. Nice if a fellow shooter can take you out with them. Anywa
  13. Hi mate, I had a Baikal .410 hushpower brilliant little shooter but felt I needed the extra rounds available from the Mozzy. Got the Mozzy, not the quietest of actions (fore-end rattles) but very pointable and a cracking gun. Noticably louder than the Baikal due to the shorter mod but a great shooter for rats, crows and wabbits. I since chopped it in for the .20g hushpower based on the single barrel Pedretti action. Its shit..... The gun itself is ok but the trigger has a 1 ton pull on it. Bloody hard to pull, and when bringing the pin up on the target, you end up shooting over
  14. Hi, mine are 6months old and been brought up with pipes in their run to train them. Took to it like duck to water last weekend, no probs, toes covered in bunny fluff! rock hard!!!!!!! Get 'em down the hole.....Cheers
  15. Hi chap, I've handled my two jill's twice a day every day from kits and they never show agression toward me or friends & strangers. Show'em a bunny & thats a different kettle of fish! They roll over and play & play-bite with no force. I do think it's all down to the amount of time you spend with them, although an animal may bite if it is surprised.( I've yet to experience this pleasure!) I don't tempt fate though, wash hands of food before handling and if down a warren, respect they might not be able to identify your fingers if covered in bunny blood. Like with a dog or cat,
  16. hi all, Great story, Theres loads of similar adventures to be found on the net. The best one was of a ferret who stole part of a pasty which was never found and the cheeky bugger whipped it away somewhere in the house. About 3 weeks/months later when the occupants were having a dinner evening they showed their guests the ferret which shortly dissapeared, only to rejoin them at dinner with the stolen pasty (must have been manky!) and proceeded to eat with them. I'm having my first season with two Poleys and I wished I've kept them before, their so much fun as a pet and had a great day out
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