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fox hunter

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Everything posted by fox hunter

  1. had ray and his little lad out today for a spot of ferreting with myself and my daughter it was a good day the ditches were very dirty in some spots but we sti managed to get a nice bag of rabbits rays ferrets went very well today Ray and his son are really in to their ferreting his was amazed whe he seen me pull 3 rabbits out of 1 stop he probally thought i planted them there his young son couldnt believe it either heres a few pictures
  2. yeah my digging season is over 1st march along with the ferreting my lamping is over the end of this month ive had a good season for rabbits and deer most of all the foxes hope next season is better fox hunter
  3. as long as there is breath in my body and my old knees can carry me i will learn any kid let it be boy or girl as my young daughter has taking it up i think its great to get them out and off the streets the only drug they might get out the firld is the hunting drug ill encourage all young kids to take it up as i started my own son early i used tohave to carry him most of the times now thank f**k hes 20 odd and he will soon be carrying me altough hes breaking away from me now i havnt showed him everything atb fox hunter ps raymonds little is a real ticket hes a right barral of l
  4. now raymond again i finish with your glenn after a season or 2 digging she wont be so pretty looking she could do with a hair cut bring her to the barbers that you go to her nose will be more than red thats if she has it in her to work i dont want no tears when she comes out with a jaw like a pin coushion hahahaha atb fox hunter
  5. yeah the show on the 3rd of may in kilkenny is the first of the season fox hunter
  6. had raymond off the site and his two sons out for an hour or so to do a spot of ferreting before the young lads got two cold heres ray apprientice he seems to be popping up alot latly hahaha its nice to get the kids into the hunting get them interested it also keeps them off the streets Who agrees with me?? just a pic or 2 fox hunter
  7. yes you can stitch them without knocking them out get and ordinary sewing needle and heat it in the middle on a gas cooker till its red put a slight bend in the needle use 2 pliers to do this cool it in alcohol ordinary thread will stitch your dog but cream for cuts is called actalan if you know any dairy farmers or farmers that keep cows they will know the cream you are talking about if you ask them as im always stitching my dogs i also do the broken bones myself fox hunter
  8. i no what its like i too have a bursted up knee from a kick of a horse and im always banging it and knocking it fox hunter
  9. sorry to hear about your friend i know what its like to lose a dear friend atb fox hunter
  10. is that the pup you have lined up for me to school school he will get i dont want you to go home winging when his pretty face has a mark or two haha he looks a very strong dog its a pity he wasnt black haha god help him he dosnt know what hes letting him self in for fox hunter
  11. they all taste the same ray so it doesnt reall matter he must off changed colour for the snow fox hunter
  12. rabbits wont bolt from smoking them you may get a ferret or start snaring fox hunter
  13. it needs a worm dose if you buy a cats worm dose it will do fox hunter
  14. i think a rat may have bit your ferret had the same problem meself you may put a mussel on the ferret to stop it from bittinng itself atb fox hunter
  15. went out lamping last night with Raymond off the site and he young lad Raymond Jnr we got a nice bag of rabbits the rain was a little too heavy for the kids but they really enjoyed it didnt want to get them too wet heres some pics the little lad wanted me to put up i hope the lads take the lamping game up atb fox hunter
  16. well hes getting a few races on rabbits during the day and retrieving them straight back to your hand but you know your self hes way too young for hard work ill start him next winter under the lamp so until then its just abit of ferreting for him and getting him out so he can get used to stock atb fox hunter
  17. nice pup mate heres my 5/8 wheaten hound at 6 months atb fox hunter
  18. scent sorry to hear about your mates dogs going missing ill kepp an eye open on the east coast and also at all the game fairs its f**king terrible the scum of taking dogs i know if anyone ever took my dogs id blow the bas**red away i would dance on his head your mate should do the same if he ever finds out who done it atb fox hunter
  20. whats the difference between a rabbit and a hare??? fox hunter
  21. mistle thrus or field farr or they could be song thrus atb fox hunter
  22. nice one lovely looking deer atb fox hunter
  23. where about are you from ??? are they for sale atb fox hunter
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