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Everything posted by louis123

  1. nice one. you got a pic of the gun?
  2. Lovely job thanks, Anyone got any makes and models to suggest that is a good suggestion for a first gun, Remembering the 750 budget? Also how much is a gun cabinet going to set me back? Anyone got any pictures of the cabinet, just for a look? thanks
  3. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...ooting+times+ph Watch that if its any use
  4. Would you mind listing a few, is there a difference in price between 20 carts and 12 cartridges?
  5. Thanks alot Also which would be a suitable bore, 12/20? Louis
  6. I have a budget of about £650, so its probably going to be a second hander. Is it just personal preference on s/s and o/u? Someone mentioned today about getting a silver pigeon as a first gun, can anyone inform me of the make? thanks louis
  7. Hiya all, im looking to get my first shotgun and shotgun certificate around christmas time But i dont really know what would be a suitable bore, for what i want to use it for Id like an all rounder that i could use for pretty much anything, rabbits, pigeons, crows, pheasants ect. Im 15 and quite well built. So if anyone has any suggestions please go ahead Louis
  8. all ways used skinners on the dogs
  9. i love seeing pics of all the hounds, you got any more mate?
  10. a TRUE hunter respects his quarry and his land
  11. xbox 360 games for sale! All in perfect condition in origianl box with all leaflets/ booklets Grand Theft Auto 4 (18)- £15 Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 - £10 All are final price excl. postage Paypal or Cash Louis123
  12. do you have to have any kind of license to keep a few pigs?
  13. does it come with the bipod?
  14. perhaps she ran into the door and hit her snout? then went for a drink?
  15. many puupies for sale pal http://drakeshead.com/puppies.asp
  16. Hi guys and lasses I just thought you might be interested in My Homepage Friends Website. http://www.myhpf.co.uk/banner.asp?Friend=374918 Well basically this website pays you everytime you search something in the search engine, so instead of using google you use this and you get paid 2p every time you search. so if you did 15 searches a day that would be 30p per day 210p per week 840p per month 10080p per year Im not saying this is going to make you the next richest man but if you want to earn a little bitt of extra money you could sign up to this website and possibly by somet
  17. i didnt go because i was busy but a few people said it was even smaller than last year..which was even smaller than the year beofore. so it sounds like the futures not too bright.
  18. louis123


    i just got it you blooody cnuts
  19. alright nice one thanks chippy. you had any experience with them?
  20. what the bloody hell is this world coming too....why cant they jsutkeep out of our way and live thier own life. weve been living like this for hundreds of years so why make a fuss out of it now! KEEP HUNTING!
  21. sorry i meant in like inches how much roughly bigger is the greyx
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