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Everything posted by louis123

  1. good stuff buddy,, i migght follow you down that route
  2. is there a gamekepper on here that could just let themselves lnow to me as i was just wondering if i could ask them a few questions as im considering it as a job wjen im older as im only 14 now thanks Louis123
  3. anyone have any links to his vids?
  4. and i cant find him on youtube is there anychance of a link to one of his videos much appreciated. louis123
  5. thanks HESHIMUS (Y) will look him up on youtube. are there any jagd terriers in uk to your knowledge?
  6. just found this thread take a look at it contains lots of info and some great pics: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...=67941&st=0
  7. thats exactly what i thought jrt.. hope theres some somewhere in uk
  8. Does anybody know if these dogs are around in the uk? Seen them on some videos from abroard and they look very good dogs? louis123
  9. do you think they would be ok to put on some stubble for woodpigeon shooting? cheers louis123
  10. http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&am...sa=N&tab=wi What do tou think of this hide? Anybody Own One?
  11. stunning photos man keep up the good work
  12. Lads and Lasses post all your best bags whilst out with the gun here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...c=77095&hl=
  13. Whats your best bag whilst out with the gun? pics welcomed! Edit** The Bag That Your Are Most Proud Of And The Bag That Means The Most To Yourself
  14. Does anybody know of a 'step-by-step' guide that is posted somewhere on the interent to rearting pheasants. not too many pheasant just a few you know for the local shoot. all comments welcomed thanks louis
  15. Trans K9 dog boxs are simply the best of there type...no rattles or anytihng and absolutley problem free...all the keepers and pickers up use them round here...you cant go wrong with them mate.
  16. does anyone have anyinformation on tazis?
  17. lukmoun4...you have any pics of breeding setups?
  18. I had this problem woth one dog.. i simply found a small log or abstacle ect and used a treat to try and make it the dog go over... then work your ways up very gradually... and finally hel be jumping over anything if he doesnt simply comply just leave it for a day and try the next
  19. Lets see some of your mewss and weatherings lads and ladiiess..
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