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About royboy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 16/07/1956

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  1. In the 1970s there were lots of bird catchers ( dabbers ) around these parts. You could buy a fresh caught Goldie for about £1 and Redpolls and Siskins for 50p but Greenfinches couldnt be given away because they were so common and greedy. Now you are lucky to see any at all.
  2. Thanks for the offer but i am sorted now. Sorry for the late reply Roy
  3. An old birdkeeper and dabber i knew years ago told me that he sexed Goldies by the blaze. The red blaze on cock birds almost always extends behind the eye but on hens comes through the eye. Hope that helps.
  4. Thanks for the offer but its a kit that i need for my 7 year old grandaughter. She is driving me mad for her own ferret but i would sooner she start with something that if it should nip her wont hurt her or put her off. Thanks again.
  5. Has anyone got any albino or silver hob kits for sale in the midlands area please. Thanks in advance.
  6. Exactly where it will end up if its no use to anyone but as we don't see many greys about here thought I might offer it up.
  7. Don't know if it will be of any interest to anyone as taxidermy is not my thing but yesterday a Partridge flew into a window where my wife works and killed itself stone dead. It is in perfect condition (apart from being dead) and I am sure would make a lovely mount. If anyone is interested you are more than welcome to it .Do I just bag it and freeze it or is there a correct way to preserve it.
  8. I have just been given a Vulcan by my brother in law that he said had lost all its power even after a new spring and piston head had been fitted.On inspection i can see that the barrel has moved forward in the breech block away from the seal causing the power drop. A smart tap at the muzzel with a soft faced mallet put everything right for a couple of shots but it has moved forward again. Can someone tell me please how the barrel is locked in place .?
  9. Have you got any more pics you can post please and if its ok can I fetch it this weekend. Royboy
  10. Hi mate Are there any marks or problems with this rifle, Cheers Royboy
  11. Does anyone know if you can determine the manufacture date of the GP Greener single barrel shotgun from the serial number?
  12. Great little film.Thanks for posting this.
  13. Sorry gents my mistake you are right,it was the Eclipse i was thinking about. Good luck with the sale.
  14. Hello mate I might be wrong but i thought the Webley Excel was an underlever. The gun in the picture looks like a break barrel,have you got any more pictures please.
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