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About ace5

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 31/01/1975

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  • Interests
    ferreting/shooting/growing my own veg/brewing beer/lager/wine
  1. Hi all just poped some pics on of my ferret pen.
  2. ace5


    a up mate i allways use shredded paper for my ferrets and they are fine,iv just put some old wooly hats in there aswell and they have kicked some of the paper out so i dont put alot in any more but paper will b just fine mate
  3. we only live 5 mins away from you (Doncaster) can come up when ever you want mate so if you want us to come PM me alb Dave
  4. thx for all the replys ill keep them together and keep my eye on them atb dave
  5. Hi all weve been out a few times now with my 3 new hobs and my dads 2 older jills and we have only had 4 rabits,we havnt even seen any about but theres plenty of signs to say they are there like fresh holes in sets,loads of poo tracks where there coming and going is any one else struggling this year if so do you think its the weather may be not cold enough atb dave
  6. Hi all is it ok to keep 3 hobs (brothers)in the same hutch/pen or will i have to seperate them as they get older? many thx
  7. not a thing we bolted 1 but got away i dont think its cold enough yet better luck next time
  8. morning all taking the new ferrets out for the 2nd time today only netted 4 rabits last time lets hope we do beter today ill let you all know how we got on later
  9. nice looking ferret you have there mate good luck with it.
  10. dont take it to the vets they will charge you just get a tick remover search google or a good pet shop or you can use some tweezers just squeeze twist and pull have a look to c if you have got the head then burn the tick to kill it thats all i do any way used to get then on the dog all the time+ front line will stop then in the future good luck with it
  11. Hi mate if you think there ready then take em out iv got 3 hobs 16week first time out today no rabits but they went in and came out ok so if yours are 6 month they should b ok
  12. Hi iv got 3 hobs and iv got pipes,hanging basket with a t-shirt over it a little soft duck hung on string ridge tiles plastic bags with the bottom open they love the sound it makes aand a bucket of wood chippings for them to dig around in i move it about an change it all weekley
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