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Everything posted by bigadg

  1. hi all really new to fox snaring looking for some good tips. i have always shot my foxes with the .243 or .222,but i now have a farmer who is losing chickens to fox and all the crops are to high, so i guess its time to start with the snares, any help would be great stu
  2. im from the neath valley mate but ive moved to shropshire ive been here for nearly 2 years its the best move ive ever made. not that im knocking wales mate i love the place and i miss it a lot but things change. some times for the better basically what i think and i am not a mod. but what i think is if everyone just replied to the posts that they want to reply to and not criticised each other. this site would be excellent i wonder if we all done that for a week how good this slagging thing would sort itself out and then every time we looked at a thread there would only be good comments a
  3. Hi to you all i have just joined your forum. i worked jacks for quite a time on rats,but they have all retired now. anyway i am on the waiting list to get a plummer bitch so i can start again i asked a question yesterday and got my arse kicked, there must be some nice people out there stu (shropshire)
  4. nice to know that there is so many helpfull people about these days/ or should that say tossers oh slap my wrists and send me to my room daddy :kiss: :kiss: Big ed stu..what ever you knew fine well starting this post would just stare shit up .. some plummers can be dug to, mine, yorkie boys, sumo, deepdig..we all have plummers that work fox is that the answer you were after no i did not know that i would stir shit up at all. yesterday was the first time i have ever been on this forum iam waiting for a pup for some ratting duties and wondered if she would work to
  5. nice to know that there is so many helpfull people about these days/ or should that say tossers
  6. thanks moorman have you worked one at all
  7. hi go easy on me i am a newbie will a plummer go to ground on foxes stu
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