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d 3 dogs

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Posts posted by d 3 dogs

  1. Well away again today when we arrived it was pouring down from the heavens with ice cold sleet :( still we said we would give it a go i had flyte my lurcher bitch and blaze the terrier top mark up for us and the bitch would have any escapees that missed the nets :) she caught some beauties as well :) never took the camera out with us due to the weather but had a couple of end of day shots we worked for the rabbits today everyone got a good soaking including thre ferrets :blink: this picture was from a few weeks a go the rabbit and ferret were soaking

    foxhunter with a soaked ferret and rabbit


    the conditions were bad today the terrier went into a flooded stream after a rabbit and was washed over a small fall with a ten foot drop he still held onto his rabbit though :D here is the the end of session shots from today we managed to catch 56 rabbits :clapper: we did well for the conditions and boy did we earn each rabbit


    you can see how wet they are little hero,s :D




    a good session all be it a wet one :(

    well done mate been out today as a guest did not even get the ferret out the box . the high winds sleet and snow put me right off,only plus side was lad who has permission wos well pleased with my little whippet x seen 4 caught 4 .So been invited back when things look better next time might take a leaf out of your book and try any way keep safe

  2. Hi guys and gals, just wanting pics of pure and x breed salukis.


    How do you find them as a breed?


    Are they easy to train, loyal ect?


    Do you prefer a pure saluki or saluki x?


    Your opinions appreciated.


    Cheers DG

    hi on my 2nd one with other crosses in between so have come full circle to the breed like all breeds you only get out what you put in mine are crossed with greyhound stay all day good feet but are abit thick at times so if you have a short fuse there not the breed for you the new ones 9 month just started her on rabbits and walking out with other dogs she,s very timed but with time i cant see it been to bad p.s did i say runs for bloody fun :clapper:

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