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d 3 dogs

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About d 3 dogs

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  • Birthday 19/02/1968

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  1. hi pal did u find ur way home off ruck lol its da guy with the spaniel

  2. well done mate been out today as a guest did not even get the ferret out the box . the high winds sleet and snow put me right off,only plus side was lad who has permission wos well pleased with my little whippet x seen 4 caught 4 .So been invited back when things look better next time might take a leaf out of your book and try any way keep safe
  3. hi on my 2nd one with other crosses in between so have come full circle to the breed like all breeds you only get out what you put in mine are crossed with greyhound stay all day good feet but are abit thick at times so if you have a short fuse there not the breed for you the new ones 9 month just started her on rabbits and walking out with other dogs she,s very timed but with time i cant see it been to bad p.s did i say runs for bloody fun
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