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Everything posted by buffalo

  1. Had a quick walk out this morning with the tx200hc .22,not much about but stumbled across woody and friend sat in the top of a large hawthorn tree as I was on my way home,they weren't at all bothered by my being there so got within about 20 yrds took aim and let the tx do its job....
  2. blackpool air rifles had a lefty pro sport advertised mate..
  3. One on airgunforum as new for £130 mate (i have nothing to do with the sale)
  4. left or right handed mate??
  5. one advertised on gunstar for £265 mate
  6. how old is it mate,is it ambi stocked?
  7. Helli mate, has this got the screw cut barrel or is it a push on silencer?
  8. Is it the screw cut barrel model mate??if so i would be interested in buying
  9. Does the 90 have the screw on silencer mate?
  10. Interested mate,any chance of some piccys ??
  11. Me and me bud used to use an old air raid siren with a spool of line fitted,used to hit some speed but ya end up with arms like popeye winding the bloody thing..
  12. Would you take £75 posted mate?
  13. My uncle got a lovely looking lurcher from a rescue centre a few years ago,apparentley came off a "travellers" site.Made one hell of a working dog,only problem was it worked solo,took off for 2-3 days at a time but left something on the doorstep every night,hare,rabbit and one morning when he opened the door a sheep! Strange but never seen the dog again after that incident...
  14. Nice one mate got your self a bargain there!!!!Very nice rifle!
  15. Come on lads,the guy might have a genuine reason for not replying to us..no internet access ect
  16. Will you post,if so i will take the slr mate..
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