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Everything posted by dabigmc

  2. Like said above...."helps to cool them down"....canines have thin skin in this region with a lot of capillaries, close contact with the ground allows good heat absorption from the body.....well that's what i reckon,lol! Sounds good!!
  3. And before i get slated....i'm only joking.....i just like annoying mudd!!!! Ha, i never knew such a breed exsisted.......clown!
  4. My mate muddog is selling the last pup from his litter.....if anyone is interested? Mates helping eachother out....thats what its all about! http://www.gumtree.com/p/pets/mini-pure-patterdale-pup-feamle-14-weeks-old-chihuahua-looki-like-cheap/105037507
  5. dabigmc

    Pine marten

    Mudd I hope I am not coming across pedantic....but are you sure these were not mink you were seeing? Firstly pine martins reside in wooded areas, forests, etc. They mainly come out to hunt, roam and rummage at night. They are extremely elusive and shy mammals! They are considered Ireland's most rare mammal. So to have encountered 3, in daylight hours,roadside, over a very short distance in the car strikes me as odd and unlikely. Apart from the fact that they are protected by the Wildlife Act, I personally think they are beautiful and fascinating creatures....so to even suggest hunting them
  6. It gets me that this fella is after serious information......in humanely dispatching quarry......so instead of the horse trollop your being fed i hope this helps http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/weird-wide-web/germany-rare-rabbit-without-ears-accidentally-killed
  7. sounds like conspiratorial sabotage to me...lol!!!!! Reckon you going to be selling another generic brand couple weeks down the road....otherwise you work for drontal or miblemax,ha!!!!! Only messing before yo attack me!!!!!
  8. Jmho.....but are you surprised the breed is dying? Firstly, what can they bring to the table that another good terrier of different breeding cant?? Secondly, would the breed have demised to the level it is now if it were so good??? And last but not least........With the extortionate prices that are being asked for, is it the breed or the breeders that are driving them under???? Having owned a mostly "border" x lakeland bitch myself that worked for years that never let me down....i have empathy for your cause....i would love nothing more to see them come back. But to match the quality o
  9. matulkoh.....I meant to tell you, not that other name,ha! If you search barryvox he has a post on second or third page!
  10. Latest addition to the pack!!! The missus feels threatened...cant understand why????
  11. il have to come clean mudd.....i pay my little cousin £1.50/hr to follow you and find out your holes and when he reckons you heading home he phones me, so i can make a hasty get-away from knocking up your missus
  12. without the shit????? our you for real.....nothing but s h i t
  13. bite bite bite.....mexicans run shit terriers, jaffas run the best terriers, mexicans run best long dogs, jaffas run shit....because the divide is sooooo big...get a f u c k i n g grip.....
  15. Exactly.....please listen to this advice.....and box restrain also.....
  16. It was a good day mudd......just to let people know "its a dis-used railway line",lol! So there were no civilians passing by on the dublin enterprise wondering what are them five chaps doing there,lol! Also, Railway lines are dangerous kids, it would be very irresponsible to play on railway lines!!!!
  17. Feeding raw meat is great if done properly.....AND HERE LIES THE PROBLEM......not everyone does it properly, thus effecting the CALCIUM/PHOSPHOROUS balance.....leading to bowed legs!!!!! We all want to give our pups the best start in life.....but millions of pounds are spent developing nuts/meals for pups/dogs and getting the quantities of minerals, fats, proteins and vitamins correct to the mg........however when we decide to rear a pup on nothing but raw we are taking a gamble that we have the quantities right!!! Keep it safe, different breeds react differently to different diets.....
  18. Well, I had the exact same problem with a pup last year...and i mean exactly!! Brought her to see a greyhound specialist vet, he literally is the dogs balls......nothing this man does not know! Well the reasons for the bowed legs 1)Too much exercise when too young 2)Calcium deficency 3)imbalance in food 4)ligaments and tendons growing quicker than bone developing, hence being bowed inwards, due to protein levels too high. This is the advise he gave me (my bitch's legs corrected themselves in 10 days) 1)Box restrict dog for 10 days, ie literally keep dog in box 4ft x 4ft for 10days
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