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Attack Fell Terrier

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Everything posted by Attack Fell Terrier

  1. Nice one mate, your terrier looks a handy sort. Keep up the good work.
  2. Yeah fair play mate, you're getting the graft in that's for sure. Well done.
  3. Whats happening Wee bitch! Nice easy dig, your man went back to the motor to sort something out by the time he'd got back Sheelz had broke through. Not sure how much more I'll be seeing for a few weeks with this pony shoulder but I'm cluckin' for some more digs lol. I heard you've reloaded with some more digging tools, Toolman specials?
  4. Me and a friend had a nice dig with his white terriers. 0.7 piss easy dig. Nice little early Christmas present. Sire and daughter - Sire and daughter - Good bitch, doing well -
  5. Russells, Patts, Lakies don't matter there's good and bad in all the breeds, I personally like Patterdales.
  6. Is there any spots in the ears, like zits? One of my Patts had problems with his ears when he was young. Both ears swelled up until his ear canals were closed, his ears ended up like cauliflowered ears they were weeping and very uncomfortable for the pup. When I took him to the vet, the vets said it was the cause of sever acne in the pup and that because the pup had been scratching his ears, the zits had popped and the dirt from the pups feet/nails could have got into the burst spots and caused an infection. He said it was like teenagers who get real bad acne on their face and neck, he sai
  7. I took the time out and gave the geeza some advice and he seemed to take it as an insult. As I said it's up to him though, he can take it or leave it, doesn't bother me.
  8. can anyone read i cracked it not punched it or knocked its head off it was a little crack Well what ever, cracked, whacked, facked it doesn't matter. I just thought I'd give you a bit of advice because you don't know how to house train a dog properly. Take it or leave it its up to you.
  9. 8" ey, blimey! couple of scoops and you're there. Fair play.
  10. I wouldn't slap a pup that young in the hooter, and I bet you cracking it is exactly why it shits itself every time you go near it. When I house train my dogs I just grabbed a hold of them by the scruff when they pissed in the house, show them the mess they made and let a few roars out and sling the dog outside, they soon know they're doing wrong. Every time I let a pup outside and they take a piss or have a shit where they were meant too, I give them a fuss and tell them good boy and all that business. It doesn't take long before they get the gist of where they are meant to be droppin
  11. Yeah he's a nice strong looking pup SP.W. Hopefully he'll live up to your expectations mate and do you proud.
  12. Top bit of feed for your dogs that mate.
  13. Nice pair of terrorists mate. Well done that bitch!
  14. Fair play Mart and Ula! Best of luck on the road to recovery, hope everything works out for you both.
  15. Theres some cracking looking whites on here, but this one eyed fella below looks a true soldier, what a dog he looks.
  16. Damn right mate! B&T is looking strong, best of luck with the pups Hunting Lad.
  17. Try her out and see if she works. That's the only way you will find out if she's gonna be any good.
  18. Nice swollen and peppered head on that Russell at the moment mate lol.
  19. Oh dear! Fox saved? who saved the fox? look like it escaped from a bunch of eejits too me.
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