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Attack Fell Terrier

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Everything posted by Attack Fell Terrier

  1. Denying the fact that White British children are being poisoned with drugs from Asia, supplied by Asians is in my opinion unforgivable! It's like denying the Holocaust, it's ridiculous.
  2. I can't even begin to express how wrong you are with that response. You're trying to play some get out of jail card by trying to make out I'm some sort of racist and that I think I'm better than anyone else of different colour! I've never once said anything of the sort! Can you point out where I've said all Asians are criminals, or that I'm superior to others? I've highlighted the fact that there is big problems within the Muslim community concerning crime that is effecting White British families, for you to deny that, you'd pretty much prove to any of us on here that you are not capab
  3. I'm sorry Matt but for you to disregard that fact makes any further argument you put forward, null and void! This problem of Asian men getting young girls hooked on drugs and then making money off of them as sex workers is a very serious one! It's happening up and down the country and has been documented on film and in papers. I am genuinely disappointed in you Matt! You've just disregarded a very serious matter that is ruining lives and tearing families apart all over this country. I thought that you, out of the few I was debating against was the only one worthy of having a serious debate
  4. That is F*CKING DISTGUSTING!!!! You ought to be ashamed of yourself for putting a post up like that. It's just as easy for me to put a post up stating the fact that young White underage teenage girls are being picked up, smooth talked and introduced to Heroin by Asian men. Once they're hooked on drugs they're then being pimped out by these Asian gentlemen. Some of these girls are as young as 13 years of age. Their lives are completely ruined even before their lives really begin. That is a real problem in parts of our country. UNDISPUTED, though i dont condone the above actionn but
  5. That's a perfect example of whats happened to us, and it is a bloody tragedy.
  6. Smart looking pup, best of luck with it.
  7. It would be a real shame if all that dog see's is rats. He's a cracking dog him mate.
  8. You're right mate. If any of these forum members giving their tupence worth about how stupid anyone is for voting BNP does or had lived in an area where there is a massive population of Muslims, then I'm almost entirely certain they wouldn't have the same views as they do now. Islam has no time for infidels.
  9. That is F*CKING DISTGUSTING!!!! You ought to be ashamed of yourself for putting a post up like that. It's just as easy for me to put a post up stating the fact that young White underage teenage girls are being picked up, smooth talked and introduced to Heroin by Asian men. Once they're hooked on drugs they're then being pimped out by these Asian gentlemen. Some of these girls are as young as 13 years of age. Their lives are completely ruined even before their lives really begin. That is a real problem in parts of our country.
  10. Is there nothing else you'd like to add to that? Nope. Says it all really It's says you're a bit of a gobshite IMO.
  11. Yeah we know it's old Adolf, I've already said that I didn't agree with his methods of preserving the white race, but what is wrong with wanting to preserve your own so long as it doesn't include murdering or interfering other races? What is wrong with it Matt? Would it not be tragedy if any race of people were to disappear from this earth?
  12. Is there nothing else you'd like to add to that?
  13. Mate do you have to live with and around Muslim families to make a statement like that? I do and I'm not happy about it. They're the most racist and have the most bigoted culture than any other in the UK. You're no good to the majority of practicing Muslims unless you're waving cash at them. If anyone chooses not to believe that then that's up to them.
  14. The myth is that all 'working men' think the same way. Some need rather more than a rabble rousing moaner like Nick Griffin to persuade them of an argument. And what's your definition of this 'common working man'? ME!
  15. What sort of comment is that? Yeah we're all just a myth! .
  16. A sign of an unbiased debate is one that doesn't allow someone to enter preparing themselves for a discussion on current events, to then get bombarded with some outrageous statements from the past (some true some not). That QT was no platform for anyone to argue their case on. I know where the quote is from, and I don't disagree with the quote in itself. I disagree with the way a certain someone wanted to go about maintaining the white race and ensuring its dominance over the rest of the world, but where is the problem in someone wanting to preserve their culture their race their
  17. That is just the attitude that is turning more and more people to the BNP. It's also the attitude that is turning people off the BNP Would you care to elaborate further? Constant moaning. Their constant moaning is turning people away from the BNP , yet they're getting more support and members signing up than ever before! I don't quite understand how you come about that conclusion. The facts are people are turning to the BNP because they're the ones that are listening to the common working class man, the current government are simply not listening to us!
  18. That is just the attitude that is turning more and more people to the BNP. It's also the attitude that is turning people off the BNP Would you care to elaborate further?
  19. Matt you said this earlier, that it was no conspiracy, but now you say this ... They changed the format in order to do nothing other than to heckle goad and bully a man that was invited on there for a different reason. They conspired and trapped the man to enter a program that he did not sign up to attend!!! Do you not agree with that? I agree his performance was shit, but what did he have to work with? He wasn't given a chance to make a point on anything. Can you tell me what is wrong with that statement? Would it not be a tragedy if we were to lose an entire ra
  20. Nice pup, Watch what you post on here mate, the purest will have you up in the gallows for any little infringement. Best of luck with him mate.
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