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Attack Fell Terrier

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Everything posted by Attack Fell Terrier

  1. READ WHAT I POST CORRECTLY YOU f*****g DUMB GRASSING b*****d! You find one post I've made where I've said ALL Muslims or Paki's. I've said the MAJORITY of Paki Muslims have no loyalties to this country not ALL. Do you know what majority means? You're not only a grasser but a F*cking idiot at the same time.
  2. Somalia it was mate, Not that it makes much a difference. As for carrying that amount of money, it's not unusual for them to do it, in fact it's not unusual for anyone to be carrying large amounts of money when it's not money earned legally. A lot of these shops, Restaurant's and take aways are fronts for drug smuggling. None of the up standing by the book lefties you get on here, have to believe it if they don't want to, but it's a fact.
  3. Correct, I agree with every bit of that. They think by making it illegal to have a Pitbull in the UK that people are going to listen lol what a joke. Heroin is an illegal drug in the UK yet we're rammed to the hilt with drug addicts. So long as there is a demand for something, people will find a way to make money from it, legal or not.
  4. Yeah, wheel clamping is just a legal way to rob people.
  5. i rate kev, real good fighter who has'nt really been given the credit he deserves, and i believe the fight with prescot is an eliminator for a crack at khans title, very interesting, think thats got to be the better fight of the night... yokel I think Prescott will win that one fairly well, he looks very dangerous Saying that I think Prescott is over rated, all he done was bang Amir on the chin and topple him in a round, and to be honest that doesn't take a great deal of doing if you find Amirs chin. It'll be interesting to see how Mitchell copes with the power of Prescott b
  6. Could you tell me where you got that from please Dosser?
  7. The Poles are a complete different kettle of fish to the other more primitive cultures we have coming over here, so no I don't agree. The majority of Polish come here to work, they don't seek to change and swamp entire communities with hordes of their kind and do not to fanny about claiming JSA. True they've undercut the Prices set by British workers (I know about that all too well) but that's down to the greedy gaffers who run the sites selling out on their country men and workers they've supplied with work in the past. The Poles have no desire to change the fabric of British soci
  8. Oh so thats your reason for being a grasser is it. Now I understand .
  9. Why do you go round grassing on Polish women? have you got nothing to do you rotten stinking snide! Ey listen, Don't expect a civil reply out of me you f*cking grasser!!! I'd rather have ten Somalians in the country than one home grown grasser like you. Grassers are only one rung up from nonces in the food chain IMO, so do us a favour and don't post anything towards me again.
  10. So that's the dog is it, Looks like it could have a bit of both in it to me. What a shame though, that poor kid. I was just reading a news report on it, and they had a pic of the little boy and it makes me think just how important my kids are to me. The family must be in the horrors, god knows what they're going through. Real shame this.
  11. Anything can happen when Khans fighting as he takes a punch about as well as my Nan does.
  12. I've heard other people say the same thing, that it was an American Bulldog and not a Pitbull like the media has been saying it was. Have you got a link to the picture please mate?
  13. When ever my bird used to moan about the dogs I wouldn't take a blind bit of notice, I'd just carry on as normal and knew that after she'd shouted her mouth off for a few minutes she'll be alright for another month or so before she started moaning again. She's now got used to it and no matter how much moaning she does she knows I couldn't give a shit what she says. Anyway I give her 5 minutes of my time each morning, so what more does she want Just ignore her mate it's the best way .
  14. Nice one Sandy for the reply. I hear what you're saying about the exercise, diet is only 1 part of it. A dog wont become amazingly fit just because they're being fed raw food. My terrorists get to run about 7 miles most days and 2 miles at the very least if I'm pushed for time. I think that without the correct diet they'd struggle with the exercise and I find what I feed them on (almost always Raw), does them brilliantly. The only time I will give them dry food is a small amount each morning.
  15. The answer to that is dont be a naughty boy and put yourself in the positsion there going to set the dog on you Mick.. It's not always the case is it mate, some police officers are like some dogs! Horrible b*stards!
  16. If that's the bitch from Birmingham than she's looking a 100 times better than what she was, fair play to you mate, she's turned out quite a looker ain't she. She was as fat as a pig the last time I seen her, it's good to see you've whipped her into shape . How is she getting on? Her litter brother isn't doing to bad, he's coming along. All the best for the season mate.
  17. If the owner of the dog wasn't an idiot and knew what he was doing with a dog like this then he could of kept the dog and the kid would still be alive. Unfortunately the div wasn't/isn't responsible enough to keep a dog of this type. IMO it's like allowing a child to play with a shotgun, most of the time it'll be empty and completely harmless but it only takes that one slip of concentration where complacency sets in and the result is a dead kid.
  18. Terrier work, Lurcher work and Ferreting .
  19. Jesus!!! I personally would do all I can to save my child, not a nice choice to make though is it.
  20. Don't you just love an intelligent conversation. It wouldn't matter if it was a polite reply you got though would it Kiz, because you've got your view on it and everyone else is just a racist if they don't have the same view.
  21. If I was a hungry immigrant I'd want to come here and rip this country for all it's worth, and for those immigrants that do come here for that purpose I don't blame them! Why not when it's just being given up to you like that? The blame most definitely has to lie with the politicians who have allowed this to happen to us. It's mad when you think about it though, after years of Great Britain ruling the world with it's mighty Empire, Us Brits are be the ones moaning about invading immigrants lol.
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