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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. I set up a little hammock camp down the smallholding in summer, it gets annoying when you have to get up for a pee in the night so I tried using an empty water bottle once and ended up with a puddle of piss rolling about on the waterproof bottom ?
  2. That’s a cracking little pond, put some underwater lights in there will look spot on after dark when your sitting outside
  3. How can someone get arrested for posting comments about the shooting what happened to freedom of speech we had Islamic hate preachers preaching death to the west etc and they had police guards to protect them I remember seeing it on the news, it was frowned upon but nothing was done A white British bloke makes comments on the internet and gets arrested WTF
  4. Just seen on the news there’s extra police guarding mosques in USA and here if I remember right wasn’t there a Christian church massacre in the east somewhere a while back ? where were the police guarding our churches then ?
  5. I had a bit of a scare end of last year had all the tests including camera up the bum, it turned out to be nothing im the sort that don’t really go to docs so it was a long time before I went to get checked and it wasn’t till after I got all the tests that I realised just how much I was worrying about it! just go and get checked lads it’s not worth the worry
  6. I’d still put lemonade in it
  7. Buy land their not making it anymore, becoming rarer by the year
  8. I try to take it through winter, I always get a bit down from new year to April it’s my slowest time of year and gloomy weather don’t help, I think I notice a difference but could be placebo I just got 3 for 2 on vitaboitics extra strength vit d they deliver free aswell
  9. I think the documentary was on amazon prime called something like return to the wild
  10. I watched the dvd got it at pound shop i liked it so brought the book I’m about halfway through i watched an interesting documentary on I think Netflix about his life, not a very good home life by all accounts
  11. I got one of those that greyman put up had it out two days now and it’s pretty good no false videos yet, my old one would of done about 600 odd by now ? as greyman said watch the sun it does dazzle the pictures a bit
  12. Do you gets many videos of nothing? i had a £50 one it was a vincture I think, good quality and that but kept doing 3-600 pics and videos of nothing just constantly going off I emailed them and they just gave me my money back and let me keep it, I don’t use it anymore takes to long to check all the images
  13. Maybe I should sell cbd gummies in our sweet shop ?
  14. You’ll find anything that comes with water or any type of buildings will be stupid money
  15. I brought my smallholding, 4 acres about 13-14 years ago for 24k just extended our mortgage for it It’s was just a grass paddock ive turned it into a lovely holding with woodland, orchards, veg and fruit patches caravan and my pallet palace as the wife calls it ? A bloke 2 years ago offered me 120k for it, I turned him down because it’s my place now my escape and I want my kids to have it when I’m gone he brought 2 acres a couple miles from me for 90k its mad round here now, not far from Oxford
  16. I was lamping one night and found about 12-15 glow flys/bugs not flying just on the ground never knew we had them in the uk
  17. They were just cheap ones off amazon mate they didn’t have a name I think in USA it’s sold as carbon express blade, here it’s EK Archery blade got the full kit with limb dampeners string silencers padded carry bag string and rail wax extra bolts and rope cocking device saved about £100 I think i know we can’t hunt in uk with them but just wanted some broad heads because there cool ?
  18. Got this new toy ? well chuffed should be a good bit of fun down the smallholding just need to build a good solid back stop first
  19. Why do I always leave some wrapping till this late, every year I do it ? oh well bed soon happy Christmas Day ?
  20. Me and the wife were talking about this the other day even though the pair of morons called their child that and we’re members of this banned group that as far as we know didn’t actually do much wrong but some internet trolling etc the sentences do seem harsh when it wasn’t that long ago we had Islamic hate preachers on our streets preaching death to the west and kill non believers etc with police guards protecting them
  21. Bet it never got a mention on the news as their white kids wonder if that poor girl will get tens of thousands of pounds like the Syrian kid did hmmm
  22. Exactly what I was thinking Arry ?
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