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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. I cut them and they were fine they only smell sort of mushroomy but when I scraped the cap they go yellow so no good I assume this mushroom hunting is hard ? I’d be dead by now if I was just winging it
  2. Found a group of mushrooms in a border under a beech hedge, any ideas what these are their different to the ones in the lawn
  3. A few were open, gills still almost pure white I think I’ll give them a miss they can go on the compost with the clippings
  4. I’m back tomorrow I’ll have a look and take another pic ?
  5. Could be mate I’ll try to mow round some and let them grow on and see if the gills change colour or anything how long to grow to maturity for these sort of shrooms ?
  6. I keep a small flock of embden type geese nice large eggs I do them straight into boiling water for 8-10 mins max, that’s runny yolk but firm white at 15 mins mine would be hard boiled
  7. On one of my garden contracts I’ve got dozens of mushrooms coming up in the lawn can anyone id them ? Are they safe to eat and if so how can I establish them at my smallholding ?
  8. I live in a village that backs on to Blenheim and there was loads of police around the Blenheim caravan park as I drove past this morning maybe it got stashed in a motor home or something ?
  9. I had one for eggs logs and kindling most times was ok but some times just get a bit of loose change thrown in sometimes stuff just taken used tonpiss me off so stopped doing it
  10. Told my mate about it this evening he into all sorts and he wants to try it ? i think I’ll stick it on the fire I read it’ll kill you if you take to much
  11. There’s no chickens left they all went to a higher state of being
  12. ? just googled it it’s a hallucinogenic used in shamanic spiritual rituals how the hell did it get in my chicken run ?
  13. Anyone know what this plant is ? i had one last year in my old chicken run and got another this year it’s about 4 foot tall white trumpet like flowers and spikey seed pods ive never seen anything like it before it’s massive
  14. trapperman

    Bob Ross

    Used to watch him all the time, love the way he paints just kind of throws it altogether makes it up as he goes but they look spot on when he’s finished amazes me how he gets the depth perception spot on
  15. I tried the shop brought cbd oil for under the tongue, a couple of different ones and didn’t notice anything so I grew my own cbd plants and now make my own coconut infused oil and it’s much better I think a lot of oils are cold pressed which straight away is a problem as it needs to be decarbed just like thc to make it work for you
  16. Yeah love the sound of rain on canvas the double burner is cast iron I got it from country file live couple years ago the woodburner is a frontier stove but it’s not that great to be honest the flue is way to small it don’t draw that good and blocks up after a couple of nights
  17. ? got it in one ? I camp down the holding once or twice a week all year round
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