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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. most of the humidity metres that are small enough to fit in a little incubator are crap, your better off just filling one of them if you have two sections for water or just half filling if you have only one section, then stop turning and fill up all water trays 3 days proir to hatching.
  2. as said keep an eye on the water and run it for a good day before setting the eggs to warm it through and settle to the set temp also keep it in a room that has a stable temp as if it changes to much it will affect your hatch rate, just things like direct sunlight or draughts are best avoided. also dont panic if it takes a few hours after setting the eggs to get back up to temp if you adjust it to soon it may well go well over later when your not watching it.
  3. you can soak some wheat in cooking oil to give some extra fat or use lard and make a cake like you would for wild birds they seem to like this if its very cold
  4. maybe the same, its still true.
  5. i got my presie early, dont laugh but i got two weaner pigs tamworth crosses on saturday. a freezer full of meat in a few months yum yum
  6. quick update, i stuck with what i had until now but have just ordered a set of telesteps that go up to 3.85m with carry bag etc for £93 and also a combi 3x12 rung extension, step ladder, freestanding ladder all in one for £149. all from www.bpsaccesssolutions.co this is a christmas offer all including vat and delivery (next day) just thought i would let you guys know as i thought it was a good price, if anyone knows of a cheaper site dont tell me as its to late
  7. just had a blizzard for about 20 mins, now clear blue sky still bloody cold tho
  8. if thats you in your picture you can have permission on my land
  9. just ordered one, i always leave things to the last minute.
  10. i`m growing more and more bored with the bloody rain
  11. end of days shawshank redemption kellys heros
  12. shame he didnt get to see christmas, r i p mate
  13. welcome mate, if you put your post in the trapping section it would be better, hope you enjoy the site.
  14. this is true there are lots out there, i was mainly worried about shot count recharging etc, to the point that i have been and still am (a little) thinking that maybe the theoben eliminator could be a choice for me its heavy i know but i am used to shooting my hw90 i think its the same weight as this. the simplicity of just slinging the gun on your shoulder and a pocketfull of pellets does attract me somewhat and about 30 ftlbs but i to had a rapid mk1 standard limit many years ago and loved it. i am a little uncertain of what to go for now but i`m in no rush will wait till new year
  15. thats good to hear mate, please keep me informed as to how you get on with it, is the power set by the factory or can you adjust it yourself.
  16. i`ve got a baikal 12 bore and .410 they may not be pretty but they are solid, have had the 12 bore for 20 years, i reckon i could club an elephant to death with it then leave it at the bottom of a river all night to wash the blood off and still go pigeon shooting the next day
  17. just got in for lunch and there she was sitting on the door mat all crisp and new it was quite quick once everything was sorted out. get christmas out the way, then off to theoben to bankrupt myself . has anyone on here got a fac rapid, i`m thinking no fuss just get mk11 but they seem to do a few types now but based on the same gun, any advice would be great, also can you vary the power yourself on them or does the factory set it at what you want when you buy, and lastly what would you say is the best power to go to as i`ve heard that to much over 30 ftlbs can affect accuracy, is th
  18. it pisses me off when you see people in power using the actions of a few idiots to control everyone soon you wont be able to fart without a certificate of competence. i`ve signed it.
  19. i`m looking at fac air at the moment to and i think for me its got to be a rapid, which one i dont know yet but i think around 90 shots per fill at 30 ftlbs, compared so i`ve been told with air arms and the like of around 15 shots per fill plus you can just take a spare buddy bottle with you for back up and not all the charging gear. i had a standard limit rapid many years ago and it was a cracking bit of kit.
  20. i had a rapid 7 many years ago when they were the first of there kind, had my longest and best shots with this gun. longest, rabbit at 70 paces most memereble a squirrel up a tree about 35-40 yards i could only see his ear sticking out above a branch, put the pellet staight in his ear
  21. Boo-Hoo. I've broken the law and I have to pay the penalty. Well TOUGH SHIT. Keep your foot off the pedal next time dipshit. Ric someone got out the wrong side of the bed thismorning
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