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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. get yourself a motion sensor battery alarm only about £15, i`ve got one in my shed it gives you a bit more piece of mind, theres fuc#kers around that will nick the fillings out ya teeth
  2. I have always mail ordered brodifacoum based baits from companys i have accounts with, i honestly dont think they should be selling it over the counter, if they can it seems pretty stupid to me.
  3. try "castle howard" tree nursary online they will send them out now if your quick its still o.k for bare root stuff i`ve had thousands of trees from them over the years they are very good and very cheap
  4. I watched Emmanuelle in space the other night, great film, didnt have a clue what it was about but it had some great scenes
  5. you fu#ker i was worried i had abnormaly long thumbs for a second
  6. @ trapperman Is this the voice of experience? I am wondering how the conversation went... I did tell her i can spend hours on my knees but it didnt help
  7. your right mate not all are bad uns but theres an overwelming amount that are and as you say it pisses me off when i have to pay my tax bill or see my old man at 70 still working 4 days each week 1 of those is for me and i look after him but he should be able to retire fully but he owns his own house has a few quid in the bank and so gets nothing in the way of help so has to work if he wants to run the car, have a holiday, upkeep of house etc, i wonder how much tax hes paid in his lifetime to help support all these scumbags, alot i`m sure of that.
  8. mole trappings becoming so popular they should do lessons at secondary school , is it just me or does everyone want to be a mole trapper at the moment. trust me boys if you tell some bird on a weekend night out that your a mole trapper she just looks at you funny , it doesant get you laid.
  9. lots of young girls choose having children as their career its sad i know but this is what happens with the welfare state, they will be looked after with housing & benifits until their last child turns 18 then they will spend the rest of their life claiming for depression or something, takes the piss, they should all be offered a room in a hostel not a house/flat and food vouchers not benifit money you watch the numbers doing it drop if this was all they got. If you think they have kids all because they want to scrounge a few quid off the social, then you haven't got a clue. i h
  10. is that where you keep your lipstick :kiss:
  11. lots of young girls choose having children as their career its sad i know but this is what happens with the welfare state, they will be looked after with housing & benifits until their last child turns 18 then they will spend the rest of their life claiming for depression or something, takes the piss, they should all be offered a room in a hostel not a house/flat and food vouchers not benifit money you watch the numbers doing it drop if this was all they got.
  12. come on england we could win this one, that will make a change
  13. does fish work well as a bait for cats then
  14. stubby have you ever fed them to your chickens? they love mice, i remember many many years ago digging out an old compost heap with a bush in it, it was in my chicken run and i dug out a mouse nest that was in it there was about 8-10 mice and about 20 chickens, the mice were ripped to pieces i couldnt believe it as i didnt know they did this at the time. It was pure carnage.
  15. 'Some of us'???? Probably only you, mate! If you're making a living from mole-trapping alone, you've obviously stumbled onto a secret no-one else knows? Love to hear what you know!? Mind you, it's probably 'commercially-sensitive' information? Beggsy? If you really want to learn how to trap moles for a charge, best advice I can offer is t'internet! 'Google' really is your friend, mate! Not taking the piss, but get your finger on the 'search' button & have a look? If you're still stuck after reading all the info' available, send me a PM & I'll help you out if I can And
  16. i brought a spare 10 shot plastic mag and it was £25 a few weeks ago.
  17. that just reminded me of my younger days when we called going to town on the weekend "gash hunting"
  18. i often get the urge to kill the misses while having a w##k
  19. One of my clients contacted an un-named London Borough to be told by the Customer Service Advisor that foxes were protected and they could not do anything !!!! Yes, they are protected from harm, cruel acts, The Animal Welfare Act 2006, but they are pests and can be humanely and legally controlled. Giving the public misleading information is a crime itself as they then think we are the criminals !! I found this on what looks like a large companys web site telling you foxes are a protected species its no wonder pest controllers get people having a go at them when even some pes
  20. does anyone know how much replacement wires are for it? do you have to use their wires or could you use others on it.
  21. theres allways one who has to lower the tone
  22. can you get your dick split, just wondering as i could DP the wife on my own then
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